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Liam's POV

" Liam?" I heard Rora. I turned to her she tried to smile weakly. I smiled back.

" She will be fine." She said wiping her tears.

" I know she will be." I said looking at her through the glass. White bandage was all over her body. Her head was also covered with dressing, there was an oxygen mask on her. " I couldn't save her from getting hurt." I said looking away trying to hide my tears.

" It is not your fault." She said.

" It is my fault. I shouldn't have let the guard down on her. It's a stupidity." I said.

" How can you know this will happen?!! It's not your fault." She said.

" It's my fault. It's my fault." I said.

" Liam!!! Stop saying that. It's not your fault." I heard Luke. I didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

" Don't worry, little one. She will be fine." He said to me and I tried to hold back myself.

" I also think so." I said to him.

" Think so?! Liam, she is our Tracy. The strongest person I have ever seen. You should know that. She will not lose to this situation. Never ever she will. Mark my words." He said and I nodded. I wiped away the tears slipped on my cheeks.

" Where are they?" I asked about her family.

" They are still sitting there." He pointed at the other side of the room. I don't have enough courage to meet them again. I was feeling guilty.

" Oh, alright." I said.

Tracy got two bullets luckily they didn't hurt her major organs but she lost a lot of blood. Being a rare blood group it was hectic to find out the donor. But Marc, Kyle and her cousin Cameron they has the same group of Tracy so kinda managed. I owe them for this. I might have treated Cameron rudely before but he didn't hold any grudges. I need to say sorry and thanks both to that guy for donating blood to Tracy. Otherwise there would be problem.

Talking about Tracy though bullet didn't wound her major organs but she lost her blood and when she fall down the next floor's balcony from the penthouse she was injured severely. Her right arm is broken even had to do an surgery on it. Besides her ribs are broken. She needs at least 3 months time to get well. Thanks God for saving her. Please God keep her safe when I can't do that. I crossed my heart.

" Mr. Edwards!!" I heard the doctor.

" Yes." Luke said.

" You should come with us." The doctor said to Luke.

" Sure. Let's go." He said and went with him.

" Everything will be fine. She just needs time to get better. Soon she will be fine." Rora said and hugged me patting my back. I hugged her back. I couldn't hold back my tears.

" Come on, Liam. This is not my brave and strong Liam. Come on, best friend." She said and I chuckled. I broke the hug and patted her head. She sighed.

" Just don't break down. Then everyone will break down." She said and I nodded. We found Luke, Stella and Finn coming towards us.

" Follow me." Stella said and we walked behind her standing in the corner of the floor. Weird kind of tension were among us. It was heavy and awkward to remove it easily.

" What happened?!" Rora asked. I could sense something bad happened looking at their faces.

" It's Betty." Stella said and wiping her tears. I understood at once. Doctor told us last night about it. They said she wouldn't be able to make it and told us to make an arrangement to let her family meet her. But poor girl. Have no one to call her family but her 4 months old nephew named Karson. I sighed deeply. If I would never believed if I wouldn't be there that despite of being twins they tried to kill each other.

" And her sister?" I asked gritting my teeth.

" She is still alive. If stays alive then rest of life she will spend in prison or in the mental asylum. If dies then in hell." Finn said. " I might be very wrong about Betty all that time." He said and sighed.

" We all were wrong here." Stella said. " Just hope that she rests in peace."

I looked at the ceiling blankly. I don't know what to say and how to react. But I will admit that it was something which will make me feel very sad. I saw her getting shot in front of the my eyes. They both just didn't think twice about killing their own twin. If I were in that kind of situation I would have killed myself but never ever pointed gun at Luke. I wouldn't even think about it. Even if it's about my life I will surely not think about hurting my brother. Never ever. I know Luke will do the same thing.

" Where is her nephew?" I asked her.

" With Tasha. He was crying for his mom." Stella said.

" Poor kid doesn't even know that his mother or father is no more." Finn said.

" We need to take care of him. Betty requested me for that. She sacrificed her life and proved herself. We need to prove ourselves as well." Stella said.

" We will, Stella. No worries and no need to ask for that. We wouldn't have left a kid like that anyways." Rora said.

" Yeah." Stella said.

" Is Flynn alright?" I asked Stella.

" He is strong enough to endure anything but you know when it comes about his siblings he is too weak. But he will be fine. Don't worry. Tracy will wake up soon. Doctor said so. But the only thing I am think about now it Betty. She should be buried with her siblings." Stella said trying to compose herself.

" Got it." I said.

" And most importantly if Tracy finds out she is no more immediately after she wakes up it won't be good for her. Let's not tell this to her until her health condition is stable." Stella said.

" Sure. We will keep it a secret." Finn said and we nodded.

" She was really brave enough to do something like that. Are we that brave?!" Luke asked.

Simply my answer is no. We are not.

" May be we are not." Finn said. I nodded. We are definitely not. I sighed and found Tasha coming towards us holding the baby in her arms.

" Tracy has waken up." She said and all the faces lit up.

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