Wherever She Goes

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1 month later

Tracy's POV

" Why are you sitting like someone is dead?" Bella asked me.

She sat beside me. She had her full grown belly. Now she is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. And we are already separated in different group what the baby will be named. Some of us was chose Niko, some has chosen Adone, some has chosen Adonis or Zeus or Tyrone or Aidan and too many. In one word everyone has an opinion about the baby's name. But still we couldn't find out one. Sadly. We are still giving different opinions. No one came up with a perfect name for the baby. I am afraid that the baby will get confused having too much name. Cause, appearently everyone is going to call him the name they has already chosen. So there is a possibility that the little kid will be lost in the tons of names that he has already given.

" Well, I feel empty." I said sipping my coffee.

" Why is that?" Tasha asked me kissing on Karson's cheek who was sleeping on her lap clutching on her t-shirt. At least he tried to do so. Not letting mommy go away. Such a cutie pie.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that Tasha and Edwin has adopted him. I really wanted to take him with me but Tasha and Tiana are so happy with him. So, I let them adopt him. Besides, Karson is more happy with them that's what matters to me. If he is happy with them then I really don't have anything else to say. I just want him to be happy and never be sad anymore.

" I am getting married today. I suppose to be happy but I don't know why I am feeling sad. I want to be happy but thinking about Betty is making me sad." I said honestly.

" Why are you sad if you are remembering her? Shouldn't you be happy, Tracy? It's your wedding day and your best friend would never want to see you sad. Smile for her, girl." Diya said to me patting my shoulder.

" Yeah, Diya is right, Tres. Don't be sad." Stella said.

" I am just getting upset thinking about that she used to tell me when I will get married she will be my maid of honor." I said and sighed.

" I know it's hard for you to forget her but today you need to be happy for her. No tears. She wanted to see you happy. All the time. So don't be sad. For her smile and be happy." Ellie said.

" Trying to do so." I said to her.

" Just do it. Don't be sad." Aurora said. I smiled at her.

" Smile suits better on you." Nemo said. I nodded. We were having breakfast. We found Cindy and Ann were entering.

" For the first time in the history Cindy and Ann are not late. They deserve a big hand, girls." RD said sarcastically and we laughed.

" We got a long traffic." Ann said.

" My kids are a bit more horrific I think." Cindy said. I chuckled.

" Your kids are cute, Candy. No whining." Stella said.

" Yeah, cute. Right. They got all the genes of their dad. Stubborn and hard headed." Cindy said and sighed.

" Still they are cute and you can't deny that as well." I said to her.

" Yes they are." She replied.

" Why are you still sitting here? Go get a shower and wear this. Go hurry up." RD said giving me a box I know my wedding dress is inside.

" Ok. Going." I said taking the box from her.

I came back to my room and went to the washroom. I took a shower and came back. I sat in front of the vanity table and dried my hair. I was looking pale. I know that. I was missing Betty a lot today. I sighed and looked out of the window. I don't know how long I was looking outside of the window until someone knocked on the door.

TJL#16#Wherever You GoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ