May Be, May Be Not

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Tracy's POV

" Betty!!! You!!!?" I could only say that.

" Yeah, I think so. It's me." She said rolling her eyes.

" You here?" I was still shocked.

" Yes you stupid. I am here." She said and hugged me. I didn't expect her come too early. We talked last week about it.

" I can't believe that you are here." I told her hugging her back.

" Can say that looking at your face totally blank." She said and chuckled I just hit her back and she giggled.

" When have you reached?" I asked her breaking the hug.

" 3 days back." She said to me.

" What?!!" I asked her. " And you didn't tell me about that?" I asked her. " You didn't think it's important to inform me?" I asked her in a sharp voice.

" Calm down, you crazy woman. Calm down." She said but I still kept glaring at her.

" I wanted to give you a surprise this why I didn't inform you. I needed to use my connection to find you out at first." She said to me.

" You just could have asked me." I said to her.

" Yeah, as you think. If I did that then you would come to know that I am here that instant." She said.

" Then you could have asked Ferguson." I said to her.

" And he would have informed you anyways. Besides I don't think he likes me so he was out of my list. I deleted his number as well." She said and I sighed.

" But you shouldn't do this to me. I hate you." I said and she chuckled. " I didn't think that you will reach here this early." I said to her.

" It's my birthday next week. I think you have forgotten." She said

" I do remember. I haven't forgotten that yet." I said to her.

" Not yet but you could have forgotten if I didn't come and remind you that." She said.

" Excuse me? Who told you that?" I asked her.

" I know. You are too busy to remember me, my birthday. After all you got your new friends here." She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

" Alright, drama queen. Enough of your drama." I said to her and she chuckled.

" I said the right thing though." She said.

" Yeah, hell with you." I said to her.

" Ok, hell with me." She said and I looked at her irritatingly.

" What happened now?" She asked me.

" Nothing happened. Where are you staying here?" I asked her.

" Dean's friend Tyra's house." She said.

Dean is Betty's brother who lives in New Zealand. He actually brought her up. He recently has started to live in New Zealand for his work.

" Oh, pack up your stuffs and move in to my place." I told her but she shook her head.

" Tyra will be upset. It's long since we met. But I promise we will spend quality time together." She said and I sighed. " Don't be upset. It's not like I will be coming to Paris every weekend." She said to me.

" Then it's like we will meet every weekend from now in next 6 months, right?" I asked her.

" But you are going back to Melbourne in 6 months. Then we will spend quality time together. Don't be upset, girl." She said.

" Like you care!!!" I said to her.

" Very much." She said.

" I don't think so." I said.

" Are you done with your work?" She asked me totally ignoring what I have said to her.

" Yes, I am done." I said.

" Let's go then." She pulled me with her.

" Where are we going?" I asked her.

" Going to the hell. You have any objections?" She said.

" Yeah, I do." I said to her.

" No objection is taken keep them to yourself." She said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" I knew we are not going to a better place than hell if I am with you. It's certainly cleared that you and a good thing don't match with each other." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Perfectly truth. We don't match, babes." She said and winked at me.

" Where are we going, Betty?" I asked her again.

" Have you lost your brain? I think I have already told you that we are going to the hell." She said.

" I am too tired to join you. Go alone." I said to her.

" No, you are coming with me." She said pulling me with her.

" I don't want to until you tell me where are we going." I asked her.

" I am kidnapping you. Now come with me." She said holding my hand tightly. I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, right. Like I am going to believe you." I said to her.

" Don't underestimate the power of a crazy girl." She said to me.

" I do. Now what?" I asked her.

" Taxi!!!" She called a taxi. I saw Ferguson coming towards us.

" Are you going somewhere?" He asked me.

" Yeah. I will be back soon." I said to him.

" No, she won't be back. I am kidnapping her and then I will kill her. Happy?" Betty asked Ferguson.

" You were always an annoying kid, Beatrice Melchizedek." Ferguson said irritatingly.

" Thank you. I will take that as an compliment, old man." She said winking at him. He just rolled his eyes. " Don't worry. I will take care of her and will leave her at the hotel in time. I am not a terrorist." Betty said to Ferguson.

" Can't trust you." He said.

" You can. I am not harmful. I don't have any weapons as well. You can search me." She said and Ferguson gestured us to go. Betty laughed so hard as Ferguson left.

" Why do you always have to annoy him?" I asked her.

" Cause, he gets irritated easily and it's fun." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" You shouldn't always irritate him." I said to her.

" Alright. Now let's go and let's have dinner. I am starving like hell. I haven't had my lunch as well." She said.

" Why? What were you doing that time? Chasing a hot guy?" I asked her getting in the taxi and it started to move.

" Exactly. How do you know?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I know you very well." I said to her and she laughed.

" May be or may be not." She said and I rolled my eyes again. " You know what the first thing I will do getting down from the taxi?" She asked and I raised one of my eyebrows. " Will get a glu and fix your eyeballs so that you can't roll them anymore." She said.

" Then fix your lips too. Your words and actions makes me do this." I said and then we both laughed.

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