Me At Fault

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Tracy's POV

" I will be around. Come back when you think you want to." He said without looking back and walked towards his cabin.

Go. Go. Go, Tracy. Don't stand here like a stupid. Go to him and tell him that you are ready to take risk. Tell him that he is important to you. Tell him that you love him the way he does. Don't be a stupid girl here. You should tell him. Go. Don't stand like an idiot. My brain was trying to put some senses in me but I felt my feet were stuck there. I couldn't move. I was standing like a stupid outside of the lift.

" Tres!!" I heard Daniel.

" Huh!!!" I turned and found Dani standing a few feet away from me. I looked at him weirdly as my mind was still stuck on Liam.

" What happened?!" He asked me. " Why are you standing like thunder storm has hit you badly?" He asked me.

" Oh, Dani." I said. " Nothing. Just I was thinking about something. Nothing important and nothing happened. Chill." I gave him a toothy grin and he sighed.

" Some times I really can't understand you." He said to me. " You act like a weird girl some times. Can you be less irritating?" He asked me.

" No, I don't think I can be less irritating. If you ask more then I can invent some more ways to irritate you. In case you need them." I told him.

" Alright. Enough. Do you want me to throw you out through the window?" He asked me and I laughed.

" No, I don't want that." I said to him. " And I know you want to spend rest of your life with Kyle." I said winking at him.

" What is the relation between these two?" He asked me narrowing his eyes.

" There is deep relation between them." I said to him.

" Like?" He asked me.

" If you throw me out of the window then you won't be able to spend your life with Kyle. Then you have to live your life behind the bar. I don't think Kyle will accept the guy as her husband who killed his friend." I said dramatically and he rolled his eyes.

" Let's go. We are late. Marc will be angry. We need to present our first sketches today." He said.

" Yeah, I got mine." I showed him my drawing sheet container proudly.

" I got mine as well." He showed me his. Then we both laughed.

" Let's go before Marc shout at us." I said to him.

" Yeah, let's go." He said to me and we entered the place where we work.

" Good morning, Dan." I saw Liz.

" Good morning." Dani said. "Where are you going?" He asked Liz.

" Sir, divided us into two groups to give our presentation. I am in group 1. So, you can understand. Have to go now. Bye." She said and ran towards her desk to get her stuffs ready.

" In which group are we?" I asked Dani and he picked out his phone.

" There must be a notice about it." He said and opened the mails. " You are in group 2, me as well and Susan is in group 1." Dani said.

" Let's go and see how much Susan has done by now. Let's help her." I said to Daniel.

" Susan is a talented girl. She doesn't need our help, Tres." Dani said.

" Still let's go. Let's check if she needs any help." I said.

" Ok, let's go. But I have my full trust on Susan. She is amazingly talented. Mark my words." Dani said and I nodded.

" I agree but she needs someone who can support her and encourage her. We need to do that." I said and we walked towards our desks.

I found Susan. She was searching for something in her desk and around. She was searching for something and going crazy. What happened now?!! I looked at Daniel and he looked at me confusedly.

" Susan? What happened?" Lin reached her before me and Daniel. We just reached them immediately.

" My drawing container. It is not here." Susan said getting panicked. I looked around to find it.

" Ok, relax, Susan. We are searching for it. Where will it go? It must be somewhere here." Dani said and I nodded.

" My sketch was inside it. I am dead." Susan said almost cried.

" Relax, Susan." Lin said.

" I just went to receive a call and that happened." Susan gulped down her tears that time.

" I said relax, Susan. I have taken a photo of the drawing of yours if you forget while you were showing that to me. You can present that." Lin said and I took a sigh of relief.

" Lin is right, Susan. Don't worry." I said.

" But Mr. Allistone said, hard copy is must and no soft copy is acceptable in the presentation today." She said and and I looked at her.

" I can handle Marc." Lin said.

" You can't. He is going to fire me today." She said.

" Can you relax for a second?" I said to her.

" No, I can't." She said to me.

" Alright. Take mine and complete your presentation." I gave her my container. She looked at me weirdly.

" No, no. I can't. It's yours." She said shaking her head.

" I am telling you go. It's your turn today. Just erase my signature from the corner and add yours. My presentation is tomorrow. Then you help me with my sketch later. Problem solved. Ok?" I asked her. She thought for a second. Then nodded her head.

" I don't know if it's right or not." She said.

" It is right, Susan. Go, do it. You will rock. We will be there to support you. After all we are team, right?" Dani said. Susan smiled and nodded.

" Alright then. Go girl arrange it." Lin said.

" In the meantime you mail me Susan's sketch let's see if I can fix it." I said to Lin.

" Sure. I am sending it to you. Wait." She said and mailed me that sketch.

" Help me now. Let's finish it." I said to Daniel and he nodded. It took an hour for us to finish it completely. I signed on the corner and it was done.

" Not that bad but Susan's one was spotless." Lin said. I agree.

" Is she inside?" I asked Lin.

" Yes. I should go." Lin said.

" Yeah, go and back her up." Dani said.

" If she gets caught that it's not her sketch then?" Dani asked me. I looked at him and smiled.

" Then I will hold myself at fault. Cause I forced her to take it." I said.

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