Clumsy Head

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Tracy's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. But my head was still paining. I don't know what happened to me. But I was feeling much better now. Fever wasn't there. It was a good sign though. I closed my eyes again and hugged my pillow. I was thinking about the dream I had. It was horrible. I swear it shook me from the bottom of my heart. Every part of the dream was ok but the part where I saw Betty fading far far away from me. I don't know it caused big effect on me. I just couldn't control myself. I know I was crying like a total mess. Then Stella called. I was talking to her. She said Betty is fine that she went back. Then I opened my cabinet to have a painkiller as my eyes and head were blasting with pain. I just grab a pill randomly and gulped it down. I don't know what happened after that. Did I slept right away?!! What time is it now!!

Oh, my God!!! It's 8 at night?!! Have I slept whole the night?!! I asked myself.

" You woke up?!" I heard Liam's voice and found him entering my room." Are you ok?" She asked me.

" Yeah...aaahem..." I cleared my throat. " I am fine just head is spinning and paining a lot." I said.

" Lay down and close your eyes. Sleep a while more. You need it." He said.

" No, I am fine." I said.

" You are not. Go sleep." He ordered me.

" I don't take orders." I said. He bend over me and kissed on my forehead.

" Please?" He said.

" Urrrghh...." I said.

" I requested you didn't order, ma'am. Sleep you will feel better." He said.

" Just stay with me. I will feel better." I said to him.

" Alright. If you say so. But I still prefer you sleep." He said.

" I need to get freshen up." I said.

" Yeah, go take a shower. I will set the dinner table." He said.

" You prepared dinner?" I asked him.

" I will order it." He said.

" Ok, I will be right back." I said and walked towards the washroom.

" Yeah, sure." He said and walked downstairs.

I took a shower and changed into something comfortable. I was feeling bit better now. Head wasn't spinning anymore and it was not paining like hell like it was paining awhile back when I just woke up. I came downstairs finding Liam already waiting for me. He already set the table and his head was buried in his arms which was resting on the table. He must be tired. I was messed and made him messed as well. I sat beside him and patted his head softly trying not to disturb him.

" You are done with shower?" He asked and my hand stopped in between. I quickly removed it as he straighten up. " I thought you are going to take ages to finish your shower session." He said. "But thanks God that you decided to have mercy on us." He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" I was just trying to make myself comfortable." I said to him.

" Alright. Now have dinner. You are starving since morning." He said.

" Yeah. I am hungry as hell." I said. He chuckled.

" I can see that." He said.

" You can't see that. Even I can't see that. I can only feel it." I said to him.

" Yeah, but the expression you are giving to the food is saying how hungry you are." He told me.

" Don't judge me. I am starving." I said to him.

" Alright. Not judging you. Dig in." He said and gestured me to start eating. I started to eat and he started as well.

" Thank you for everything." I said to him.

" No need to thank me." He said and I nodded. " How did you get the fever?" Suddenly he asked me.

" Umm... I umm ... actually..." I was shuttering.

" Yes. I am waiting. Tell me." He said.

" I don't know. Just got it." I lied.

" Have you got drenched in the rain last night?" He asked me what a sharp voice and looking at me sharply. I chocked at once listening his question.

" No, not at all." I said to him.

" You know lying is not a good thing. But you still keep lying." He said.

" I am not lying." I said to him.

" Yeah, right." He mocked me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

" I am not lying. How can you prove that I am lying?" I asked him. He just glared at me.

" You shouldn't glare at a sick person. I am not doing well. So, you shouldn't glare at me." I said to him.

" Right." He said and rolled his eyes. I chuckled inwardly as he got irritated. " Well enough now stop irritating me." I said to him.

" Let from you. How to irritate people. It works you know?!" I told him and he gave me a boring look. I chuckled.

" Finish your dinner. No more talk." He said and I twisted my lips irritatingly.

" What happened to you today? Why are you acting so weird today?" He asked me.

" I don't know." I said. " What have I done more?" I asked him.

" Really want to know?!" He asked me.

" Yes, I do." I said to him.

" Let it go you won't believe it." He said to me.

" That bad?!" I asked him.

" Yeah, that's very very bad." He said to me.

" Oh!! Did I ask for a dinosaur?" I asked him.

" No, not dinosaur." He said.

" Then?!" I asked.

" You asked for a football team." He said.

" Really?!! FCB?" I asked him excitedly.

" No, you wanted your own football team." He said frustratedly.

" My own football team?! What will I do with a football team?" I asked him.

" You wanted 12 kids." He said totally pissed off.

" 12 kids!!! Are you mad?!" I asked him.

" And were you drunk?" He asked me.

" No, I didn't ask for that." I argued. He rolled his eyes. " If I asked for a football team then I would have asked for 11 kids not 12. Liar." I said.

" Exactly. This what I asked you and you answered that there is always some extra players." He said.

Oh God!!? Did I really do that?!!

" Really?!" I asked him with widen eyes and he sighed.

" Have dinner." He said.

Can't I be less clumsy head sometimes!!!

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