Last Fight

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2 days back...

General Hospital,
Melbourne, Australia

She opened her eyes slowly trying to figure out where she was right then. The slow and monotonous beeping sound was only thing that she was hearing before could adjust her eyes with the light. She grunted slowly to make herself comfortable. She tried to sit down but her head was paining like hell. She again tried to figure out where she was. She found herself in a complete white surrounding. The room was completely dull. She cursed under her breath and sat down. She found herself in a hospital room and sighed deeply. She heard the door of her room opened and the doctor came inside.

" Oh, you wake up?" He asked her. She nodded.

" Thanks God you opened your eyes. We thought it will take time." He said.

" Who brought me here?" She asked him.

" Mr. and Mrs. Campbell brought you here." He said.

" Oh." She said.

" Well, Ms. Melchizedek, let me have a check on you." He said.

" Look, Dr. I am perfectly fine as I woke up now. You no need to have a check. I have a very important thing to do. Please allow me to leave. It's kinda urgent. Someone's life is dependent on this." She said pulling out the tube of IV fluid from her hand and bite her lower lip to cope up with the pain. " Better." She said.

" But Ms. Melchizedek." He tried to convince her but it wasn't easy anyway. She wasn't an easy girl.

" Dr. I told you it's important. Please cooperate." She said.

" But you have to take a pain killer. I am quite sure that I need to give you an injection. But I am afraid that if there is any points in your body without a bruise." Dr. Said.

" Alright, give the injection to me." She said and the Dr. nodded.

" Here. But what are you going to do with it? You ... woah!!!!" He was saying but stopped at once watching her crazy action. She hold the injection and savagely shoved it on her wrist.

" Where are Mr. and Mrs. Campbell? Are they here or went home already?" She asked him.

" Mrs. Campbell just came to see you awhile back. Do you want to talk to her?" The Dr. asked her.

" Yes, please." She said.

" Alright. I will call her inside." He said.

" I require privacy, Doc. So, if you don't mind." She said.

" Sure. I will go." He said and went out of the room. She leaned on the pillow were settled behind her back.

" Good morning, Betty." Stella said as she sat in front of her.

" Morning, Mrs. Campbell." She said.

" How are you feeling now?" Stella asked her.

" Quite well. By the way, thanks." She said.

" Will you tell me something?" Stella asked.

" Yes, what is it?" She asked.

" Who did this to you?" Stella asked.

" Ana." She said.

" Ana?! Who is Ana?" Stella asked.

" My twin sister." She said.

" You never said that you have a twin sister." Stella said.

" Mrs. Campbell, I am not at all a good girl. If I tell you the truth you will start to hate me." She said.

" Hating people for a lame reason is not my point of view." Stella said.

" I hope trying to hurt your family is the perfect reason for you to hate me." She said.

Stella looked at her sharply for a few moments.

" Well, if you wanted to hurt us then you had already done it. Many years back." Stella said.

Betty sighed. Stella was right. She got chances to hurt them. She could hurt even kill them without any mastermind plans. But the fact is she couldn't. Cause killing someone without any reason wasn't her point of view as well.

" I believe that you have a rational reason for that." Stella said.

" What if I say that I am Velasco, then?" Betty asked her.

" And what if I say that I knew it from long back, then?" Stella asked her and her eyes were widen.

" You guys know that?" She asked Stella and Stella nodded.

" Tracy? She knows that too?" Betty asked.

" We decided not to tell her anything about it." Stella said. She sighed.

" I am sorry." Betty said.

" You no need to say sorry." Stella said.

" Please keep your securities on. Ana can go any further to kill you guys. She is the real psychopath." Betty said.

" Did she kill your sister and bother as well?" Stella asked.

" Yes, in front of my eyes." She said.

" But why?" Stella asked her.

" Cause we tried to stop her." Betty said.

" Stop her from what?" Stella asked.

" From killing you all. But she is not mentally stable. She was in mental asylum for years. And Sean also added venom in her brain. So, she is kinda messed up." Betty said.

" Can understand that." Stella answered.

" Where is my nephew?" Betty asked Stella.

" They are at Campbell house. Don't worry. They are fine. She was kind enough for not killing her own nephew." Stella said.

" No, he was out of house then. His nanny took him out." Betty said.

" Just don't stress out yourself." Stella said. Betty sighed.

" Where is Ana? Has police arrested her already?" Betty asked her.

" No, there was no one but you guys when our men reached there." Stella said.

" What!??" She was pale at once. " Are you sure?" She asked Stella.

" Yes, I am." Stella and.

" Shit!!! I need to go and find her out." Betty said removing the white blanket from her body.

" Hey, relax. You are not going anywhere." Stella said.

" No, Mrs. Campbell. She is dangerous. You are not understanding that she has killed her own siblings and tried to kill me though we are twins, just because we tried stopped her from killing you all." She said getting down from the bed and winced with pain.

" Careful." Stella said to her.

" Thanks. I will be." She said pulling out the needle of the IV tube which was still stuck on the top of her hand without any hesitation. Stella sighed watching her doing crazy thing. " I need a little help from you, Mrs. Campbell." She said to Stella.

" Sure. What is it?" Stella asked.

" A gun and the first flight now which will reach Paris in 24 hours." She said.

" Why Paris?" Stella asked her.

" I know my twin better, Mrs. Campbell. Let's have the last fight. Let's see who wins." Betty said looking at the ceiling blankly.

" If something happens then please take care of my nephew. He has no one in this world now." She said to her and sighed deeply this time.

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