Owen Grady x Reader

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Owen Grady X Reader

In honor of the newest Jurassic movie, I decided to finally make a one shot over the Universal film I've been watching since the age of 2. It is exciting and thrilling, and you will be at the edge of your seat the entire time! KFKWKFKEKSKKWK!


I'm going to be working with actual dinosaurs. I'm going to be working with actual dinosaurs. I'm going to be working with actual dinosaurs. I'm going to be working with actual dinosaurs. I'm going to be working with actual dinosaurs. I'm going to be working-

"(Y/n), are you listening?"

You blinked, meeting eyes with the fair skinned, red headed woman who gave you an amused smile. You sent her a breathless laugh, "Sorry, Ms. Dearing-"

She nodded, continuing her words. "I had my assistant ready to give you a tour, but he had to cancel last minute, so I'll be showing you around myself. It'll have to be a little more rushed because I have a meeting with the endorses in two hours."

You followed her, brushing your (h/l) (h/t) hair off your shoulders. "Thank you, Ms. Dearling."

"Please, call me Claire." Claire smiled, leading you out of the head quarters and into the park.


"Lastly, (Y/n), this is the the Raptor Paddock." Claire fixed her hair, eyeing the paddock with caution. You noted her nervousness, but decided not to say anything of it. You peered through the gates. Four raptors stood looking up at a catwalk, where a muscular man talked to them, a clicker in his hand.

You stepped closer, watching through the gate as he whistled, the raptors following his hand movements. You put one foot on the steps leading to the catwalk, but looked at Claire for permission. She nodded, and you climbed the stairs. You watched him for a while until he caught your eye.

He smiled, before whistling, the raptors running off into their cages. He walked over to you, raising an eyebrow as he sent you a charming grin. "Hello, stranger." His hands rested on his hips.

You beamed, "What you did over there. Wow! I've never seen someone train dinosaurs! That's-" You swallowed back a squeal, "Incredible!"

His eyes widened in shock before he laughed. "You must be (Y/n)." He put a hand out, "I'm Owen."

You took his hand, shaking it firmly. "You've heard of me?" 

"Everyone has. You're Allen Grant's daughter!" Owen's eyes lit up, "He's some incredible things."

You smiled softly at the mention of him, "He has, hasn't he." Owen met your gaze. You both stared at one another, before you laughed, looking away.

"(Y/n), I need to leave for the meeting, but your office is set up. If you have any trouble finding it, you are welcome to ask someone. I'll call you when I'm out." Claire called, before clearing her throat and fixing her coat, "Hello, Owen."

"Hey, Claire." He greeted, before turning his attention back to you, "Have you read his books?"

You responded to Claire before sending Owen a narrow eyed look. He popped his head with the back of his hand, rolling his eyes.

"Ha! That's right, of course you have, sorry. Got carried away." He laughed to himself, sending you a bright smile.

You giggled before turning your attention to the cage next to you, "I wasn't joking before. What you did there was amazing." You took a few steps until you were over the cage, tapping your hands on the rail. A clanging noise sounded, the gold of your ring clashing against the metal.

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