Teen! Dash X Super! Reader

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Dash (Incredibles) X Super Reader

Requested by @Phoenix_Writes_16


I have all the time in the world😂

You glared as your blonde boyfriend raced around your apartment, papers flying everywhere.

"Dash, I understand you want me to stop working but I need to get this project done." You seethed, trying to hold them down, only for him to speed by once more.

When I say he was running around, I mean he was running around at the speed of light.

He stopped in front of you, staring at you intensely, before grinning and throwing your papers in the air and running off once more.

Having enough of his immaturity, you formed a purple portal, picking up a pencil and tossing is through it.

"Hey!" Dash cried from the hallway, glaring at you as he rubbed his forehead where the pencil had hit.

He's not the only one with powers in this household.

You grinned innocently, blowing a kiss before going back to working.

Dash frowned, slumming against the wall before grinning as an idea came into his head.

"Gee, I know you can make portals but you aren't really good at it." He rolled his eyes.

You stiffened, looking behind you.


"Ya know, my power is way better."

Oh no he didn't.

You narrowed your eyes, letting out a scoff.

Dash smirked, "Oh, yes I did."

You quickly faced away and stood, forming another portal, a bigger one, and reaching for the chair you were just sitting on.

"Shit, (Y/n)!" Dash exclaimed, but still went through with the plan never less. He peaked his head through the portal that had formed in front of him, meeting your lips with his.

You screamed in surprise, falling back, and he quickly ran behind you and caught you.

"Now that I've gotten your attention," He smirked, turning your around and curling his fingers around your hips.

Your face reddened, and you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him away slightly.

"Dash, I need to work-"

You were once again cut off when he tugged you roughly and swiftly to his chest, meeting his lips to yours.

You narrowed your eyes, but wrapped your arms around his neck, closing your eyes.

"Bedroom?" He mumbled, and you shoved him away.

"Office?" You walked away, picking up the papers that had fallen so you could start up again.

"(Y/n)!" He whined, following you.

"Dash-y!" You mocked, stacking the papers and clacking them against the desk to even them out.

"You're not fun..." He murmured, watching you as you cleaned your area.

"Mhm." You sighed happily at your organized work space, pulling the chair back to sit in it and-

You yelped as your were shoved back into your desks, and warm lips were pressed onto yours.

I swear to god this boy.

You rolled your eyes, pushing him away.

"I'm not going to be able to go back to work, am I?" You said, and he grinned.


You rolled your eyes once more, but smiled. You curled your hands around his collar, tugging his lips back to yours.

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