Newt x Reader [Part 3]

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Newt (The Maze Runner) x Reader Part 3

Requested by @Kat_Kit_04


"(Y/n), you shucking idiot!" Newt called from behind the Griever.

"What?" I called innocently, grinning over my shoulder.

"(Y/n), hold on!" You heard Minho cry, and you rolled your eyes.

"I can take of myself, ya know!"

You took a sharp turn, running into the wall but reconvening quickly. The Griever ran into the wall, falling over, but spinning and continuing its chase. You eyed the walls of the maze, it was shifting, and the floor beneath you was splitting.

"What the bloody hell, get out of there!" Newt cried, and you smirked.

Just as the floor in front of you broke, you jumped, tumbling down the now ramp like floor.

The Griever followed, but as soon as you both landed, the floor stood up like a wall, closing you both in.

"Shit..." You mumbled, looking at the wall with step like patterns.

"(Y/n)!" You heard the bangs of the boys outside, and you sighed.

"I'm okay!"

The Griever slowly circled you, before lunging at you swiftly.

You jumped onto the wall, quickly climbing it, the Griever following up the wall.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-"

You made it to the top, and it was a flat surface surrounded on the three sides.

The Griever landed in front of you, and you grabbed a large, wooden stick from behind your back, which had been attacked to you with a quiver like holder.
You held it out, making it keep your distance. From the way you came, there was a large gap in the floor before it continued on. Basically, if you were able to jump far enough, you would land on the other side. The gap was from the small space you had been stuck in.You grasped the stick, smiling as you saw Newt, Minho, and Thomas waiting on the other side, watching in fear. You turned so you were facing the place you needed to jump, the beast behind you. You heard it start galloping towards you, so took off.
Pressing the stick against the ground, you used it to hoist yourself over the gap and land on the other side. You fell on your back, the air being taken out of you. You turned just in time to see the Griever fall through the gap, the walls pressing it together, and its pieces shooting out.

You grinned, looking at the boys with a huge beam. They just starred at you, and you continued to smile.
"That was incredible! Did you see that? Did you see that?" You cried, jumping up and down and fangirling about your amazing moves.

Newt stood, walking over to you with a huge frown before breaking into a grin and jumping along with you."That was epic!" He hooted, and soon Minho and Thomas walked over, congratulating you.

"You mean, amazeing." Thomas smirked, causing you to punch him in the arm.

Newt slipped his hand into yours, and you looked down at your hands before meeting his stare. "Now that we're not being chased by a monster, can we do that bloody kiss again?" You smirked, and Thomas rolled his eyes turning around.

"As much as I'd love to be in your shoes, Newt, you two are adorable..." Thomas answered, before looking at Minho with a smirk.

"You're one shucking lucky, shank." Minho mumbled, watching as the two met lips, "Okay, we're in The Maze, stop snooging!"

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