Harry Hook X Reader [Part 2]

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Harry Hook X Reader Part 2

Requested by almost everyone😂


You and Ben raced through the streets of the Isle of the Lost.

Your wore black, legging socks that came up to your mid thigh and a black, leather skirt. You had on black combat boots, laces undone, and a white shirt, along with a purple jacket. You had put your hair into a braid, and it came to just below your butt.

You tugged your black beanie down as you crossed the streets, several villain kids sending you cat calls.

Ben laced his fingers with yours, "Ya make contact with ma girl, I make contact with your face to ma fist."

He sucks at being intimidating...

He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to the way he remembered the foursomes room to be.

Throwing a rock at a sign, he pulled you up the stairs.

"Sorry about that." He smiled awkwardly at you, but you blushed and quickly went up the steps.

Walking into the room, you were trampled by three people, and smiled when you noticed the long brown hair, the blue and black hair, and the platinum locks.

"How'd you get out?"

Questions were bombarded at you and Ben, but that's when you turned to Mal. Jay still held onto your forearm as you waved to her.

"Hi." You breathed, and she gave you a small smile, then it changed to a look of pain when her eyes fell upon Ben.

Ben stepped back, looking away from her with the same look, and the room went quiet.

"We need to get out of here." Carlos said, causing everyone to jump out of their stage of awkwardness, and nod.

Mal bit her lip, looking at Evie before whispering, "Please visit."

You glowered, "No, we're not going to."

Everyone looked at you in surprise, so you undid your hair, before jumping behind her and tying her arms up.

"Cause you're coming with us." You crossed your arms, and Mal smirked.

With one move, your hair was loosened from her wrists.


You and Evie squeaked, running to her and pulling her into a hug, Carlos and Jay joining.
Ben bit his lip, awkwardly standing to the side.

You all ran down the streets, searching for the limousine. Before you could take another step, you were tugged back, a hand clasped against your lips.

You let out a yelp, your friends all turning around and gasping.

"Miss me, Pretty?" A voice breathed into your ear, the feeling of someone nibbling on your earlobe made your stomach drop.

"Harry, let her go." Jay growled, and Mal scowled at the man.

"Why? I'm quite attached to this marvelous creature." He hummed, hands crawling down your form.

You squirmed in his gasp, your back against his chest.

'You start going, I'll distract him.' You mouthed, and Jay glared.

The group all looked as if they were going to protest, but you narrowed your eyes.

'I'll find a way. I'm daughter of Rapunzel!'

They all slowly backed up, and Harry scoffed.

"Leave such a wonderful toy behind? Be my guest." He mused, nails gripping the sides of your hips.

You swiftly turned, slamming your lips to his, pushing him against the concrete wall of a building.

Laughing, he flipped so your back was against the wall.

"You're not getting away from me this time." His voice said huskily, and you growled.

You harshly met his lips once more, allowing your hands to crawl up his shirt, and he hitched his breath. Leaving your lips, he slowly traveled his mouth down your neck.

You opened your eyes, looking around for anything to use to get away. Your eyes landed on a hose on the building opposite of the one you were on.

You let out a fake moan as he attacked your neck, and when his hands landed on your lower back, you yelped.

You pushed him away, moving to the other building where the hose was, pushing him against the wall before attaching mouths once more.

His hands roamed your hair, fiddling with the long tresses. His hands then traveled to your thighs, lifting you up and roughly pushing your back to the wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist, moving your lips so he slowly kisses down your neck. You leaned over, trying to reach the hose. When you did, you slammed away from his, shoving him against the wall and wrapping him with it.

He yelled in surprise, but your tightened the hose before wrapping it around the attachment to the house.

He glared at you, "How the hell do you always manage to do this to me."

You hummed tying your hair back, "Guess I took after my moms rebel-y-ness."

Harry cheeks still tinted pink never-less.

"Don't get me wrong, I had fun." You gave him a closed eye grin, "And I would ask you to text me if you had service over here. Don't worry! Don't worry! I'll visit!"

The entire time, you swayed tauntingly, biting your lip in pure happiness.

Wow! I am so bad-ass! Mommy will be so proud!

"I just hope you'll remember me." You said sadly, pouting, then smiling, "I bid you adieu."

He grunted, struggling against the hose, "(Y/n)! Get back here!"

You blew a kiss before skipping off happily.

"(Y/n)!" You were once again tackled with hugs.

"Hey, guys!" You beamed, and they all chatted happily, rushing you to the car.

"Where's Harry?" Evie asked nervously.

"Tied up." You stated, giggling.

Ben hooted, jumping in victory.

Mal laughed, punching you in the arm, "Nice."

"You are awesome!" Carlos chuckled, and Jay opened his mouth to speak before he cut himself off.

"Is that a hickey?"

Red creeped onto your cheeks, causing you the mumbled your next words in embarrassment.

"I-I told you I was going to distract him."

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