Peter Pan X Reader

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Peter Pan X Reader

Requested by @OutsiderObsessed @AuChaton805



I'm in a long car ride to New Orleans so I'm hoping I can update some. I'm driving to Gray tomorrow, and Grande Isle at some point tomorrow or the next day.

You tried to scream, but the red headed boy covered your mouth with his hand.

You glared, biting his palm, which he retracted with a yelp.

"Who the hell are you." You cried, falling off of your window seat.

"Peter Pan! I'm not trying to hurt you I just needed you help!"

You opened your mouth to retort, but clamped it at his pleading eyes.

"Peter Pan?" You whispered, and he nodded, shushing you.

"Yes, now I need you to hide me!" He grabbed your arm, shutting your windows, and pulling you further into his room.


"I'll do anything!" He intertwined his fingers with you.

"A-well...fine." You ushered him into your closet, "Don't move."

You shut the door, then climbed back in bed.

Not long after, there was a noise at your window.

You opened one eye half way to see a shadow looking through, palms pressed up against the window.

Your breath hitched, and you squeezed your eyes shut.

A few minutes passed, and you laid in bed, shaking in terror. You opened your eyes, sighing in relief when you saw whatever it was was gone.

Your closet door creaked, and you yelped, relaxing when you remembered Peter had hid in there.

He closed the door, lowly flying over to your bed side before jumping next to you.

"Thank you so so-"

"What in cows name was that?" You whispered yelled, eyes wide.

"That's Hook. He's a pirate who's been after me for ages and-"

"Get out. Get out, get out-"

"-What? But we just met! We should talk and-" He grinned, bouncing in your bed.

"I want to sleep! And I don't even know who you are! And this creepy dude was at my window and-"

"Then I'll come back tomorrow," He nodded as if agreeing with his idea, "Yep, I'll come back tomorrow."

"What? No, Pan, if you-"

He flew onto your window seat, "Bye-wait, what's your name?"

You widened your mouth in shock, he just flew?


"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/n)." He waved happily before jumping out the window.

The next day, he showed up. He freaked you out when he did, but nerveless showed up.

And he did the following days for weeks. Then months.

You giggled as he sat cross legged on your bed, facing you.

"So, you're only sixteen?" (shhh pretend, my children)

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