Leo Valdez X Reader

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Leo Valdez x Reader

Requested by @lilEmma_CurlyFries


A/n- school started back up again after a few weeks off, so I'm trying to figure out when to open requests. I might open them this weekend or next oorrrrrr whatever. But soon, we're having VOTES! That's right, final votes for the x Reader book I want to write. I'll pick three and have those all up before Halloween...probably.

probably not

OH! Requests will be opened Monday, most likely, around 3. They will be opened until 5-6. Maybe they'll be opened sooner, like tomorrow, or next week. hehehehehe you'll never know.

And, should I do a face reveal? Maybe? Maybe not?

"Piper...I'm not so sure about this..." You had your hands wrapped around your opened stomach. The (f/c) bikini revealing to much for your liking.

"Hush." Piper waved you off, grinning, "You look amazing!"

Hazel was smiling and clapping, while Annabeth whistled in approval.

You blushed then let out a whine, "Guyyyyyyyys!"

Annabeth beamed, "You look great. Trust me."

You huffed, glaring at them as you pulled a large shirt over the swim suit, "You know what, fine."


Your truck was open, You, Hazel, Annabeth, and Piper sat inside it, waiting for the boys to show up.

You all looked up from your conversation when you heard a loud hoot. Jason, Nico, Percy, Frank, and Leo were walking towards the sandy shore, Jason and Leo shoving each other the entire way up.

"Hello, ladies. Leo has arrive-" The dark skinned, curly haired brunette, leaning against the truck, widened his eyes as he saw you, "Woah, dang girl. You look good."

You giggled, blushing, fiddling with the straps before holding your hands over your stomach, "Um, thanks."

"Close your mouth, Valdez." Nico rolled his eyes, causing everyone to chuckle.

Percy suddenly let out a yell, "Last one in is a rotten fish pony!"

Annabeth laughed, pealing off her cover up, jumping from the truck to race after him.

Frank and Jason waited for Piper and Hazel before running to the ocean.

Nico rolled his eyes, following everyone in a small walk.

You jumped off of the truck, only to fall in the sand and face plant into the ground.

Leo chuckled, walking over and pulling you up.

You sputtered out a fit of sand, "Mhm, yep."

He ran a hand through his curls, leaning closer to you with a sly grin.

"So, you look nice."

You hummed, pulling your hair into up (if it can be held up) with a tie, "You don't look to bad yourself, Valdez."

He smirked, tugging off his shirt, walking with you as you started towards the water.

Piper and Hazel were sitting on the beach chatting, while all the boys and Annabeth splashed around in the salty waters.

"Common in, (Y/n)! We're going to play Chicken Fight!" Percy yelled, pulling Annabeth onto his shoulders, her in a fit of laughter.

You smirked, "Nah, I think I'll stay out heeeeeeeeeere!" Your word was drawn into a squeal as you were scooped into someone's arms.

You looked up at the laughing Latino, who had you in his arms as he walked happily into the water.

When you were with the others, he pulled you onto his back, smirking at your friends.

"You're going down to chicken town." He let out a hoot before charging towards Percy and Annabeth, your arms out wide as you let out a warrior cry.


Leo and you both laid on towels, sun glasses concealing your eyes and sodas in your hands.

"Ya know, (L/n)." There was a pause, a loud slurp from a straw interrupting, before continuing, "I liked you on top of me."

You could hear the smirk, and without even opening your eyes, you flicked him in the head.


Shuffling was heard, and you moved your shades so they rested on your head, looking at him.

"Leo, what are you-"

You squealed when you were tugged over, a hand taking your drink from you and placing it down, as you were pulled onto a hard surface.

"Valdez, it's too hot to cuddle." You sighed, trying to ignore the heat you felt on your cheeks.

It's just him. I'm not blushing.

"But this is so much nicer." He purred, and you rolled your eyes.

You looked up, scoffing, only to be interrupted by a pair of lips smashing onto yours.

Eyes wide, you rolled back, only for Leo to follow your actions, holding himself above.

Finally giving in, you curled your arms around his neck, grinning into the kiss.

His teeth nibbled on your bottom lip, and you couldn't help but laugh, pulling away.

You giggled, watching as he pouted.

You trailed your index and ring finger up his arm, "There's more where that came from, Valdez."

With that, you shoved him off of you, and with one last wink, you ran to the water.

A/n- sorry if that sucked...

It's late and I'm tired...


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