Carlos de Vil X Reader

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Carlos de Vil (Descendants) X Reader

Requested by @__babaimasheep__


You are daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene. You're probably thinking, magic hair! Sadly, her magical hair wasn't passed on. But, your hair is really, really long.

You ran down the steps, wearing black tights and a large, (f/c) shirt. Your long (h/c) came just under your knees, and it was in a high pony tail.

The door areas were noisy, so you came down to a small room that opened into a balcony. You had no class today, so you were happily sliding back and forth in the your socks. Suddenly, you tripped, landing on your bum.

"That was hilarious." You jumped in surprise, falling on to your back, your hair flying everywhere, hiding your face. "And that was even funnier!" The owner of the voice cried, and you got up. You moved your palm against your forehead, collecting all your hair, and flipped it back.

"This is my quiet place! Why are you in here?" You fumed, and his face went pink.

"Your hairs really long."

"Yeah-and yours is white and black! Got a problem with mine?" You crossed your arms, blowing the whiskers of your hair out of your face.

"Not a problem, Princess-"

"Oh, I swear-"

He cut you off, walking closer to you. You pushed yourself to your feet. You didn't move back, but stood your ground.

"-But I wouldn't talk to a villain like that."

"A villain-what?" Your face suddenly dropped into an 'o', then you crossed your arms.

"So, you scared?" He asked, trying his best to look intimidating, but failing.

"Uh, no. I heard you and three others were coming here. So, unless your son of Gothel, I think I'm good."

"Aw." He tapped your nose, and you wrinkled it, shoving him away.

"Don't touch me."

"Carlos." He told you, and you crossed your arms uncomfortably.

"(Y/n)..." You responded, slowly moving your left foot back and forth on the smooth floor.

"Can I join you?" Carlos asked, and you looked at him confused.


"Sock skating." He moved his head slightly downwards, but kept his eyes on you, grinning softly.

"Well...our new friends from the island can't be ignored...I guess so."

Carlos smiled, swiftly taking of his shoes before sliding over to you. He then slipped, landing on his bum, which you broke into fits of giggles. He smirked, grabbing your foot, tripping you.

You spent some time hanging out with the villain, and you and him both enjoyed it.

Carlos wobbled, and couldn't stop, running into you. You let out a shriek, and you both fell. You hit to ground first, then him, landing on top of you. You let out an 'oof'.

"Carlos, you're so heavy." You grunted, your eyes shut as you tried to push him off. You opened your eyes, and immediately turned red. His hands were on either side of you, holding himself up.

"Sorry." He mumbled, not moving.

You smiled slightly at his entranced face.

"You okay?" You asked, laughing as he turned pink.

"Yeah, you're just cute." He mumbled, dusting himself off before putting a hand out.

"Oh, uh, thank you." You grabbed his hand and he slightly brushed his arm against you.

"Would it be to fast if I kissed you right now?" He asked, and you raised an eyebrow.

"Definitely. But I'll take you up on that offer later." You elbowed him, pulling your tie from your hair.

It fell loose on your shoulders, and Carlos's face grew redder.

"Heh...yeah definitely..."

"Gotta go, but I can show you and your friends around later. Nice meeting ya, Car." You smirked, running your hand through his curls before walking off. Carlos watched you leave with a smile, and a few seconds after you walked out, his phone rang.

"Carlos! We're at the museum where have you been?" Jay's voice snapped, Mal being heard shushing him in the background.

"Totally just found the best girl ever." Carlos sighed dreamily, grinning.

"Did she kiss you?" Jay asked, suddenly having interest in Carlos's words.

"No-I-uh...I swear I'll talk to you about it when I get over there, bro...but she was just-"

"Talking about me already?"

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