Maui X Reader

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Maui X Reader

Requested by @SairzFangirl


You rolled your eyes at the large demigod in front of you. "Maui, if you don't shut up-"

"You're welcome! You're welcome!" He was singing, dancing around the boat you were on.

"You've sand that same verse almost every hour of every day of this week!" You spazzed, and you shrugged.

"Blame Lin for making great songs." (A/n- I'm so sorry I had to.)

You held your finger up to protest, but then sighed. You ignored the rest of his singing, pulling your humid, salty aired hair into a bun. "I can't take you anywhere," You growled, pulling on the rope to turn the sail, "If you don't stop singing soon I'll-" Suddenly, the ocean sent a large splash of water onto Maui, and you smirked. "Then that'll happen again."

He held his mouth wide, then closed it and nodded, "Okay, next song."

You groaned, "Maui, please."

"Princess, listen. You got a few days of peace when coming to get me. You chose to get me-"

"-and you chose to board my boat. But, excuse me for saving your blasted life from that abandoned island."

Maui rolled his eyes, "If you weren't so adorable, I'd have tied you up to the boat with a gag to shut you up."

You smiled, satisfied with his comment. "And if you were anymore annoying, I'd throw you off of my boat into the ocean, which is my friend."

He let out a pout, "Aw, (Y/n). You wouldn't."

You picked up a piece of wood and a blade, starting to carve, "Try me."

He seemed to take your word, shutting his mouth and continuing his snack.

"You're welcome-"

"Maui!" You cried, throwing an apple at his head, "Shut up!"

Maui chuckled, "Yay, thanks for the other snack."

"You're welcome." You then widened your eyes, "I mean-no-agh dang it!"

He went into a laughing fit, "See, you can't resist it!"

You shook your head, giggling, "You ass-hole."

"Your favorite ass-hole."

"The only ass-hole."

"Yours truly." Maui pointed an arrow head at you, and you rolled your eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, you looked up to see that Maui had been looking at you. "What..." You whipped at your face, "Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah. It's called beauty." He said simply, and you blushed.

"And there's something on yours. It's called a nose. Look, you've got a mouth and two eyes also!"

He tilted his head at you, "You're different from all the other humans I've met."

You raised an eyebrow, "How's that?"

"You're not expecting me to do all this stuff for you. You're doing it for your village. You're not selfish."

You grinned at his words, "Well you're different from all the other guys I've met. You're cocky and immature."


"In the most adorable way possible," you added with a grin.

Maui smiled softly at you, "Would it be to soon if I said I wanted to kiss you."

You nodded, turning your back to him to hide your grin, "It's been a week, Loverboy. At least wait one more."

He crossed his arms, falling onto his back with a heavy sigh.

"You are the worst, (Y/n)." (A/n- You are the worst, Burr.)

"Love you, too." You chuckled, and when he snorted you turned around with a red face, "Shut up!"

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