Newt Scamander X Reader

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Newt Scamander x Reader

Requested by @Ella-the-gamer


A/n- I got stitches!! Woohoo!!!

You sighed breathlessly, stepping off of the train, suit case in your hands. You were in New York. And you were supposed to study Muggles. What kind of job is that? They were dumb and selfish. That's all that was needed to know. After security, you roamed the streets, searching for a odd, off looking Muggle to question.

You noticed a tall, thin, brown haired man scurrying around, clutching a suitcase so tight, his knuckles were pale.

"Him." You smirk, running to catch up with him.

Your blue coat flew behind you as you maneuvered around the Muggles. You wore a gray sweater, it's colors dark and light corresponding. You also wore a pair of dark leggings and a black uniform skirt.

"Sir! Excuse me!" You cried, hand on his shoulder. He looked back at you, pausing. You and to admit, he was adorable. His cheeks were pink from running and his nose red from the weather.

"Uh-hello, ma'am..."

"How would you like a survey-" You grinned, but he dismissed it.

"I-I would love too, but, you see-I have something important-I-" He nodded, appearing happy with his response, and walked off.

"Well, aren't you intriguing." You smirked. Following behind him swiftly, "But sir." He seemed upset you followed, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to quicken his pace. "If you want me to leave you alone, then-" You squeaked when a small, brown creature jumped from his pocket. It looked like a sloth, but had a horn and huge, adorable eyes. He quickly caught it, though not fast enough.

He turned back at you with a panicked grin before laughing, "Well, you've already seen to much." And before you could respond, he grabbed your shoulder, and you were suddenly elsewhere. "Where's my wand...that bloody stick..." He mumbled, shuffling through his coat.

You pointed at him, eyes squinting and mouth wide. "I knew something was off with you!"

He looked up at you, startled. "Pardon me, ma'am?"

"You're a wizard!" You snapped out your wand, pointing it at him.

He threw his hands out, before giving you a strange look, ""

You squealed, "Why do I always get stuck in these situations. First, Albus gives me this fricky fracky-"

He interrupted you by poking you with his wand, "Fricky fracky?"

You nodded, "Yeah! You've got a problem? Come at me-"

"(Y/n)?" He grinned, and you looked at him in surprise.

"'d you-"

"It's me! Newt!" He was happily smiling, and you gave him a wide eyed look before laughingly.

"Long time, no see!" You jumped into his arms, hugging him shortly, "What's it been? Ten years? I haven't seen you since our last year at Hogwarts!"

He immediately began to flare at your touch. Why? Because he had a crush on you the entire year at Hogwarts, since the time you sat on that boat with him the first day of school.

You stepped away grinning, "What brings you to New York? And...what was that...thing?"

He shifted awkwardly, "I have some creatures to release here in"

"Hehe...Dumbledore wanted me to study Muggles. He had always told me "it's suits you". I started off with London, but I heard America was a great place of obnoxious humans!"

He gave a soft chuckle, "It was a pleasure to see you again..."

You smiled, pecking his cheek before turning to leave.


You faced him, "Hmm?"

"What if...we went to get some tea later this evening..."

You smirked, "It would be my pleasure." You gave a quick nod, pointing at a building across from you, "That cafe at five."

He grinned, "O-of course!"

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