Samara breathed heavily. The Prince reached the stage and cheered his glass with his father's glass, while smiling back at the crowd.

"The fun began then. The three men had gotten alert. One of them made a move to get my sword from the dead wolf's belly but one of the two remaining wolves caught him. The second soldier who was looking around to keep a check earlier, tried to scare them by picking two stones immediately and slapping them to each other, creating sparks to frighten them. Unfortunately, the wolves weren't afraid by those mere sparks." The Prince smiled. "They could have only been beaten by the fire."

He shook his head and continued, "The third one took advantage of the wolves being outnumbered."

The King stared at his son with a stern face, waiting for the climax. The Prince nodded at the crowd, "Well, same opportunity was for me too. So, I jumped down very silently. To my horror, one of the wolves turned their heads at me."

Samara could swear that she had seen Nathaniel scoffing silently. She looked back at the Prince who was now holding a serious face. "It was horrifying. I am known as the most fearless among my cousins. But all that fearlessness is nothing in front of a deadly beast."

Samuel cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"I had goosebumps when that red-eyed beast walked to me, with his furs night black. I was frozen. But the first soldier who had been successful in taking my sword tried to attack the wolf. He wasn't able to kill him but he tried to his highest strength. I told him to throw his sword at me and I killed the wolf."

The King sighed heavily as he thought of the two dead wolves. He thought how maybe those two dead wolves were the reason behind the deaths of people.

"But in that time, to my horror, the first wolf had woken up. In front of my eyes, he stood up and watched one of his kind dying. Maybe, the other would have woken up too later. All this time, the other two soldiers were able to take the body of the beaten one away."

The King opened his mouth to interrupt but closed it. He was afraid if any other person was thinking same as him.

"As the wolves surrounded us, one already stabbed and other unwounded, the second soldier took his time to let his friend effortlessly carry the injured soldier's body while he tried hard to create the fire, which he perfectly did. This pulled the wolves' attention as the grass around them started burning."

Nathaniel looked around nervously as he observed how every single person was listening to the Prince carefully. His heart beats were erratic as he himself wasn't aware of what had happened ahead.

"Taking the advantage, three of us started running. I yelled at the other soldier, who was completely on the opposite side of the fire, to take the injured soldier's body far away until the wolves were getting scared from the fire." The Prince chuckled, "I admit here, how clear my command was but it wasn't when I was running away from death. The wolves chased us with red in their eyes. We three ran with our lives at stake, our hearts in our throats."

The King raised his eyebrows and swallowed at the thought of losing his only son. His heart shrunk at the mere thought. It was better to listen ahead, he thought.

"Fortunately, we had reached the tents and we had saved our lives." A long wave of sigh passed through the whole crowd but the Prince showed his palm and shook his head with a smirk. "The night still hadn't ended for me. When I had reached the tent, I observed that the remaining two soldiers weren't there. When I didn't find them around, my skin crawled in disgust. How could I leave the bravest of the three alone in the woods and the injured one? Each man mattered to me."

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