"Rebirth. Color. Jesus." He added simply and you couldn't help but laugh, falling back into your seat.

"What would you do without winter and fun?" Jack asked, grinning at you.

"There is no such thing as winter in several states. Go to Texas." You told him, and he stuck his tongue out.

"Common, Cupid. Haven't you ever had fun?"

"Depends on the fun you mean, Frost." You answered, and the smirk he gave you made you blush, "No, don't be a pervert!"

Pitch glared at Jack as he watched the two of you communicate, so he barged in to end the conversation. "I give people fear. If they didn't have fear, they wouldn't be able to protect themselves from the danger in the world." Pitch slammed a fist onto the table, gaining everyone's attention.

You pursed your lips, impressed, "Guys, he wins this once."

Pitch gave a satisfied nod, and Jack held a finger up, trying to gain your attention back to him. "Hold it, Sandy here gives everyone good dreams. That's even better. Gets you aware and-"

"Jack, no they don't-" You were cut off.

"Sandy does. But aware? He makes you aware of all the things you can't have. That's just sickening if you ask me."

From the corner, Sandy crossed his arms, a symbol of a monster with an x through it forming over his head.

"No one asked you." Jack seethed, and you glared at your new friend.

"Jack, Pitch! Quit it! We were all joking-"

"-And no one asked you to save your sister but you did, so now we're all stuck with a white-haired brat." Pitch spit, and everyone looked at him in shock.

"Pitch! Jack! Outside, now!" North boomed, pointing his finger to a door before standing himself.

The two obeyed, following the man sulkily. When the three were on the other side of the door, Tooth spook. "Well, they're both stubborn. It would be stupid if we assumed nothing would happened between the two of them." Tooth whispered, flying over to take the seat next to you, which was now empty.

You nodded, "Yeah, but it was for a stupid reason. We were all joking around and they both ruined the fun." You frowned, wrapping your arms and wings around your legs, then lay against your chest in the chair.

"(Y/n), that's just what Pitch does. He gives nightmares for goodness sake...how could we not have seen that he'd be sour." Tooth gave you a look saying 'you know I'm right' and you nodded.

"You're right...he's just selfish, I guess." You we're going to continue, but somebting was off.

Pitch had heard you.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a panicked Jack. "Guys, Pitch hit North with his nightmares!"

Everyone immediately followed, racing put the door to reveal a crutched over North. A black coloring slowly inched up his chest. Pitch stood a few yards away, watching with pure hatred.

"Pitch! Why did you do this?" You yelled, leaning down to help North in any way, everyone starting a panicked conversation.

"Maybe I'm just too selfish," He seethed, shoving you against the wall of the Work Shop and pointing a finger to your chest, "And maybe because nobody loves me. You don't love me."

You slowly reached for the bow and quiver that rested on your back.

"Leave her alone." Jack growled, clenching his staff, grabbing your arm and pulling you behind him. You stumbled, falling into his hold, but not moving as you stared into space, a confused look on your face.
Pitch's glare intensified as he watched you, leaning into Jack. Then, his eyes changed. The darkened, and he smirked.

"What would you do...Frost, if something happened to your lovely Cupid." He hummed, and you finally pushed from the hold you were and stepped forward.

"P-Pitch..." You said calmly, stepping forward.

Big mistake, because she grabbed your waist, pulling you against him.

"Pitch." Aster growled warningly.

"What if...she just became a puny mortal? A stupid, powerless mortal?"

"Let go of me!" You struggled against his grip.

"What if, I did this~" And with that, he curled his fingers around your hip, forcing your lips to his.

"(Y/n)!" Everyone yelled, running up to you, but a swarm of nightmare mares (A/n- haha get it?) surrounded the two of you. You clenched your fists, slamming them against his chest, eyes wide. But just like him, the darkness over took you. Your hair darkened, your (h/c) locks darkened till they were darker than the lightless night. Your pupils dilated, and your pure wings drooped, blackening as well. Black vines crawled up your legs, and your dress, blowing harshly from the swirling horses, changed from its cream color to black. Your hands swiftly moved to the back of his neck, and you shifted into the kiss. When he loosened his grip, you fell to the floor, weakened and powerless. The night mares disintegrated, and the immortals surrounded you, including a healed North.

"Are you okay?" Tooth cried, cupping your face in her hands and looking around your body for damage.

You nodded, touching your lips softly, before grinning. "Oh, I've never felt better..."

A/N- WHAT? CLIFF HANGER? LOL SUCKS TO BE YOU? Jk jk I love you guys😂

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