"I like you, a lot"

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A/N: here's a new imagine, took me a few days to get this written.

It's long-ish. 

I hope you like it my lovelies x

You weren't the brightest spark at school but you always managed to pass any test and complete all the course work you had.

You spent most your days reading, either a normal book or a Fanfiction. Anything to take your mind off the horribleness of reality. The stress you had fought away was sliding back to you and you hated it. The anxiety you have, always messing up your perfect moments.
That's why you read, it helps distract you, it helps you to calm down just enough to process everything.

However, the past few weeks you couldn't stop stressing, and your anxiety was taking over. It was exams.

You'd been studying for each exam but you couldn't help but think it wasn't enough.

Right now you were reading through a textbook and writing down notes. One of your exams was tomorrow.

You heard your phone go off, meaning you had a text and it was from Michael.

Michael: I feel like skipping the exam tomorrow

You smiled at the text. Michael was a bad boy, he was hardly at school and he did whatever he felt like doing. The fact he was your friend still shocked you, it shocked everyone.
You became friends when Michael and you had to be lab partners. You did all the work while Michael sat and watched. You didn't mind, as Michael watched you working he'd ask you questions. Within the week you were working together you found out nearly everything about each other.

You're thankful for Michael, he doesn't treat you like he treats everyone else. He truly cares for you.

You didn't text him back because you wanted to carry on working. But you heard a gentle knock at your bedroom door.

"Y/n, it's 10 o'clock at night. Don't you think you should be going to sleep?" Your mum said as she walked into your bedroom.

"But, I don't think I haven't studied enough for the exam tomorrow" you said, scribbling down more words.

"You've done the right amount of studying for the exam. Now you need to sleep so you won't be tired tomorrow" your mum told you and you sighed knowing she was right.

"Okay" you said, closing all your books and getting ready for bed.

You made sure you everything you needed for school tomorrow, then you slipped passed your mum to go brush your teeth.

Once you came back your mum was sitting on your bed.

"You'll be fine tomorrow, don't worry about it" she told you as she stood up.

"Thanks mum" you half smiled.

"Goodnight" she said before leaving your room and closing the door behind her.

You changed into your pajamas and got into bed. You snuggled under the covers and slowly but surely you fell asleep.

The next morning passed quickly and you were stood outside the exam hall, waiting to go inside. You bit your lip and you waited nervously for the doors to open.

You saw Michael with his friends down the corridor, Michael saw you looking and made his way over to you.

"I know you were awake last night, so what's your excuse for not texting me?" Michael said as he stood in front of you. His arms crossed over his chest.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now