"Happy Halloween"

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A/N: warning this is going to be bad.
I've spent my week off college doing nothing but work...all day everyday.

Anyways I hope you enjoy x

You and Michael were both looking forward to Halloween, you'd had your costumes planned out and everything.

It was a few days before Halloween when there had been a lot of rain and unlucky for Michael because he got drenched.
Michael had gone out to the shop, which was only a 5 minute walk. However the weather changed slightly, from a nice temperature with a bit of cloud to a cold storm.

By the time Michael had gotten back home he was soaking wet.

He walked through the front door and you were already holding a towel for him knowing he'd got wet.

"Thank you baby" Michael words sounded shaky due to him being cold.

"I hope you don't get poorly, we're supposed to be having fun this weekend" you said intertwining your fingers with Michael and leading him to your bedroom so he could change.

Michael changed into a pair of joggers with a jumper, but he was still cold. You told him to sit on the couch while you grabbed a blanket and made him hot chocolate.

A few hours passed and Michael was all warmed up. You were cuddling on the couch watching tv when Michael sneezed. You didn't think much of it but little did you know that Michael soon came down with a bad cold and cough.

The day of the Halloween party came but Michael was too poorly to go. You were both upset but there wasn't anything you could do about it now.

That night while all yours and Michaels friends were at the Halloween party you were cuddled up on the couch watching movies together. Followed by a few sneezes and coughs by Michael.

Yours and Michael phone were buzzing from your friends sending you pictures of them having fun and also fans wondering why Michael hasn't posted much on social media about Halloween.

"I'm sorry I got poorly baby" Michael said but couch after he spoke.

"It's okay Michael, it's nice going out to party but staying in with you just as perfect" you smiled.

"I love you y/n" Michael said kissing your cheek.

"I love you too Michael" you said kissing the corner of his mouth, making him smile.

"Happy Halloween" Michael said before he sneezed.

A/N: I do have another imagine that should be posted tomorrow or the next day.
It is meant to be scary but it isn't really. Guess I'm better at writing lovey imagines than I am writing scary ones.

Thank you all for reading and voting and commenting, it means so much to me x

I love you all my perfect humans x

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now