Good/bad girl, bad/good boy

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You were a good girl, did your homework, did as you were told and didn't step out of line. But one thing many people didn't know was you had a bad side, you would take a day off school every now and then when you needed a break, you would slag people off and you broke the rules without people noticing.
Michael Clifford was a bad boy, he didn't do his homework, he was naughty in school and he did what he wanted. But you soon came to realise there was more than a bad boy within him.

It was a new year at school. Your last lesson, of the first day back at school, was English.
Your teacher put you into a seating plan and you had to sit by Michael. You could feel his cold stare on you throughout the lesson. His eyes watching you, watching you writing notes, watching you listening to your teacher and watching you even when you looked at him. You had 10 minutes left before you could go home, you had an overall good day, until now.

"So class I know it's the first day back but I want to get straight into the work and I'm setting you a project" your teacher said handing out a piece of paper.
Everyone groaned and you read the paper in front of you.

"You will be in pairs for this and I'm putting you in them, further on in the year I'll let you choose your own partners but for now I'm choosing them" the teacher said as you looked around the room to see if there was anyone you liked in your class but there wasn't.
You hoped to work with someone who be able to help you, so you didn't have to do all the work but with the people in your class that probably won't happen.

Your teacher was reading out the names and your head snapped up from your desk when you heard your name.
"Y/n and... Michael" you heart dropped to your stomach. You have to work with the boy that does nothing, the boy that doesn't do work and doesn't intend to either.

You looked at Michael, he was already looking at you with a smirk on his face. This projects going to be hard having Michael to work with. You were snapped from your thoughts when the bell went meaning you could go home.

You packed all your things quickly and left wanting to go home. You walked quickly through the school and just as you were walking out of the school gates you heard some calling your name.

"Y/n! Y/n wait!" It was a boys voice, deep and breathy as if they were running. You stopped and turned around to see Michael jogging towards you.

"Jesus you walk quickly" he said as he stood next to you.

"What do you want?" you asked as you looked up to him.

"I want us to work on the English project together, I mean we are partners" he said and you scoffed.

"You say that but I'll end up doing all the work and you'll just sit and watch, just let me do it alone it's easier" you said starting to walk away but he grabbed your arm to stop you.

"This might seem like a shock to you but I actually wanna get through school with good grades, so I want to try on this project...I'm lucky I got you as my partner 'cause I know you'll help me" he told you. You didn't want to believe him but he's eyes looked like he was begging you to.

"Ok" you breathed out and he started to smile.

"Thank you, let's go to my house I only live round the corner" he said and you both begin to walk.

The walk to Michaels house was quiet, you crossed your arms over your chest and Michaels hands were in his pockets. Every time you looked up to Michael he was looking down to you. He would smile each time you looked at him and you would return the smile.

He was being oddly nice to you and it made you slightly uncomfortable. Michael scared a lot of people at school because he'd get into fights and generally wouldn't listen to anyone. He never scared you though, not many people did scare you. You were a good girl but you won't take shit from anyone, you'd shrug it off from people at school but around people who don't know you, you tell them your thoughts harshly.

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