You're pregnant

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A/N: I know I've done one of these but here's another.

You've been feeling sick and throwing up almost every morning for past 2 weeks. The first week you thought you had some sort of tummy bug, but nothing has improved.

Michaels been busy with writing a new song and he's been in the studio a lot recently and the last thing you want to do is make him worry so you tried to stay out of the way. He knows you're not well and he's tried his hardest to be there for you and look after you but with all his work he hasn't been able to be around a lot.

You just finished throwing up for the second time this morning. Michael went to the studio before you even woke up this morning, he left you a sweet note on the kitchen table that you have yet to read because you had to run to the bathroom.

You made your way to the kitchen where the note was and read it.

Morning babe, I hope you feel better today and aren't sick anymore. I hate seeing you ill, I didn't wake you up because I thought you needed a lye in.
Love you xxx

You smiled as you read the note. He managed to cheer you up even when he's not around. You placed the note back onto the table and made yourself a drink.

Suddenly your phone started ringing, you looked at the caller ID and it was your friend.

"Y/n I think I figured out why you're being sick!" Your friend shouted through the phone at you.

"Hello to you too, and one don't shout I only woke up 30 minutes ago and two what do you mean?" You asked confused as you sat at your kitchen table.

"Well you've been throwing up the past two weeks, right?" Your friend ask to which you nodded but then realised she couldn't see you.

"Yeah..." You replied.

"And it's only in the morning..." She trailed off but you couldn't put the pieces together.

"What are you on about?" You asked getting almost frustrated.

"You're pregnant dumb-ass!" You're friend chuckled but you didn't laugh, in fact you didn't find it funny at all.

"No, I can't be, I can't" you replied shocked.

"Well maybe you should get a pregnancy test then and find out, but I'm never wrong and you know that" she told you.
You chatted for a while then hung up. You rushed to get ready before running out your front door to your car.

You drove quickly but carefully to the closest shop where you could buy a pregnancy test. Once you bought one you drove home picking up something to drink on the way.

Once you got home you drank what your bought and ate something too because you were hungry. You then went to the bathroom and read through the instructions on the box for the pregnancy test.

**5 minute time skip...didn't fancy writing about peeing on a stick**

You sat on the side of your bath tub and waited.
You tapped your hands on the bath tub while you waited.

Three minutes passed and you looked back at the test...positive.
You felt tears brimming in your eyes. This could break you and Michael, he has a whole career ahead of him and this could mess it up. He has a dream and this could break it.
You let your tears fall silently as you held the pregnancy test in your hands, not being able to take your eyes off it.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now