Day 179

49 10 3

'He also says, "In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.  They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end."'

Hebrews 1:10-12

Buddhists believe that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. And there is some part of that which is true. Earthly things do change. The seasons change and so the leaves on the trees turn brown, fall and grow again. Money doesn't stay the same, nor do perishable possessions. All of that could go at the click of a finger. Humans don't stay the same. People grow old, and sick, and they die. Even this world doesn't stay the same. Look at all this global warming business on the news everywhere. It's changing all the time.

But one thing always stays the same. That is where the Buddhists are wrong. God never changes. God is always the same God. Our God is the same God as Abraham's God, as Moses' God, as David's God, as Daniel's God, as Mary's God, as Paul's God, as Matthew's God - he's the same God! All those things that God has done for people in the past, he will do for you too! It's not like God doesn't work in the 21st century - he is at work in our lives all the time.

So what's the point in being obsessed with possessions and money? All that stuff will perish. Even the Earth will perish (I realise now that I sound like one of those doom predictors - 'It's the end of the world!!' No, that's not what I'm saying) The only one thing we can depend on to stay the same and stick with us through all the tough times is God. God never changes. His love never fails. Throughout eternity God will be the same God. He will never harm you, for he loves you more than words can express.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you never change, that you never fail and your love will endure forever. Thank you that you are just as much at work in my life as you were in all those people from the bible's. Please help me not to put my faith in perishable things but to trust you always.


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