Day 161

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'There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you.'

Galatians 3:28-29

At the time when this was written, these verses would be revolutionary. As you can see throughout the whole Old Testament, God only really speaks to the Jews and the people of Israel. But when Jesus came and died for us, God's whole plan for everyone was revealed. A relationship with God wasn't just meant for the selected few. It means everyone. And even today, God wants everyone to know him. That doesn't just mean the people who are rich and who pray every day and give millions to charity. It means you. It means me. It means your friends. It means the other people you see in your day to day life. It means every single person on this planet.

We are all one in Christ. We are made whole. All the emptiness, that is filled with God's unlimited love for us. If you ever go to an unlimited buffet, you might, like me, eat as much as you can until you are totally stuffed. But God's love isn't like that. You can never have enough. it keeps on building you up, making you new. The promise God made to Abraham belongs to us. We are God's children. All of us.

I just want to go back on that thing I might have said several times about being prejudiced and judgemental. The thing is, we all judge others. But if everyone is God's heirs, no matter who they are, then at least we could try not to judge them. God loves every single person. We are all the true children of Abraham! Thanks to Jesus, we don't have to be ashamed of who we are, we can be a child of God, even though we might not be Jewish or anything like that. Without Jesus, you, me, I, we can have a true and wonderful relationship with God!


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you sent your son so that every single person can know you and love you. Thank you that we are your heirs and your children. Thank you that we are one in Christ. Please help all those people who think that they aren't worthy enough of your love to know that you love everyone, no matter what.


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