Day 108

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'When Jesus went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.'

Mark 6:34

Today I wanna look at Jesus being our teacher. When Jesus was on Earth, one of the main things he did was to teach people about the good news of God. He told everyone about how God loved them, and about what is important, and what isn't. He taught through parables, like the parable of the prodigal son. He taught children and adults alike, for everyone was equal to Jesus.

I love the image of sitting round Jesus as he is telling people something. I only wish I was alive at the time to listen and see him. But the good news is, because Jesus rose from the dead, he can teach us too! He wasn't just a teacher when he was on Earth. He still is a teacher. And we are still his pupils. We can listen to our teacher. The good news about this teacher, though, is that he loves us more than anyone else loves us in the world. He is understanding. He helps you. He will not be impatient. And whatever he is teaching is directed to you, and you only. He is teaching for your ears.

So how can we listen to Jesus' teachings? There are so many ways Jesus teaches us, I am not gonna be able to list them all. He speaks through the bible, and through other people. He might put an image, or words, in your head. He teaches you through new experiences. He teaches you through everyday, average things that happen to you. He will talk to you through things you read, and hear, and watch. Listen to Jesus' teachings. If you don't understand them the first time, ask for His help. He will guide you. And God loves you. You are special to Him. He loves you. You are beautiful, precious, brave. You are his child.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are my teacher. Thank you that you guide me. Thank you that you are understanding, and you will help me. Please guide me, Jesus. Help me to listen. Help me to be like the children listening to every word you say.


God and youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن