Day 3

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'I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets, having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust.'
Acts 24:14-15

As a Christian, this firmly states what we stand for. Do you believe in God? Do you believe his word? Do you believe that there will be a resurrection of the fair and unfair? If so, you are going the right way about life.

In this section of the bible, Paul has been arrested and is now standing trial. Despite oppression and persecution, Paul firmly states what he believes. He knows that what he is saying will end him up in a lot of trouble, but he says it anyway, because he knows it's true.

This is what we have to be like as Christians. Instead of going with the flow and acting like everyone else, we need to tell people what we believe in. We need to stand out, because we know the truth. No matter what everyone else will say, we know what's right and we need to let people know that we are not like them. If people offend you and make you feel stupid, ignore them. They don't have what you have. They don't know God. If they did, they would realize what fools they were being.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me the truth. Thank you for giving me the ability to share your word and to let people know the good news. Please help me to stand out from the crowd and make people realize what they're missing. Please give me courage every day of my life.

God and youDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora