Day 150

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'As for God, his way is perfect:

the Lord's word is flawless;

he shields all who take refuge in him.

For who is God besides the Lord?

And who is the Rock except our God?

It is God who arms me with strength

and keeps my way secure.'

2 Samuel 22:31-33

What is perfect? Is it 100% in an exam? Is it no acne, no scars, not even a speck on someone's face? Is it the matching couple in a movie or a book? What does it mean to be perfect? Well, the bible says perfect is to be without sin. Perfect is to have never done anything wrong, to be pure from all that bad stuff, all that pain, all that sorrow, all that hurt you may do to somebody, all that sin that you do in your life.

And right now, I'm not going to tell you to be perfect, because that's impossible, right? You sin, I sin, your friends sin, everyone sins on a daily basis. It's the most despicable yet probably the most natural thing of human behaviour. But to get into heaven you need to be perfect. You need to present yourself to God, the one true perfect person in the entire history of everything in the whole universe, as pure and without sin. But if human nature is to sin, how do we do that?

In the old testament, people would have to make sacrifices so that they could be cleansed and made pure. But then Jesus came. Jesus was perfect. He had no sin, no bad stuff had Jesus done. And Jesus came and he took that sin, every wrong thing we have done, and he died for it. The man who was perfection died so that we may be made perfect. And right now, I'm probably going to do something wrong. I'm probably going to sin, maybe only one tiny thing, but I'm still probably going to do that. But because Jesus died for me, I can still go to heaven, because he bore all that sin on the cross. God's way is perfect, because he has made us whole.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you gave your son to die for us on the cross. Thank you that now I am made perfect and can have a relationship with you. Thank you that I can go to heaven. You are perfect Lord. Your way is perfect.


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