Day 99

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'Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.'

Romans 8:5-8

In this passage, we can see two clear things: the flesh, and the spirit. To live according to the flesh seems to be a bad way of living, and living according to the spirit sounds like what God wants us to be like. But what does that mean? To be honest, I wasn't quite sure myself, but I have asked God for wisdom, and I hope what I saw here makes sense and is right. If you have a different opinion to me, that's fine, whatever you feel God is telling you is probably right.

If you live according to the flesh, you are living according to yourself, and doing what you want to do. So if you wanted to go about making money through the pain and expense of others, then you would be living according to the flesh. But if you live according to the Spirit, you are living according to God's word. Because the Spirit, God and Jesus are one (yes, this always confuses me, just try and get your head round it), living according to the Spirit means living according to God. And as the verse tells us, if you live for yourself, you can't please God. But if you live according to the spirit, you will have eternal life.

So how can we live according to the spirit? If you wanna live according to what God says, you need to remember this. God does not want pain, or fear, or hate. He wants us to love one another. The wonderful thing is, we can live according to the Spirit in loads of different ways. We don't all have to be the same! As long as we seek what God desires, we can do anything. He loves you. Remember this. God loves you. This is not a set of instructions. This is a choice. If you wanna live according to the spirit, to follow his word, and to know him wherever you go, then you can choose to do it. You don't have to. This is a choice, a choice given to you from your wonderful Father in Heaven, who loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, boy, I could carry on going for eternity, he loves you. He loves you.

Prayer (optional)

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the Spirit. Thank you for you. Thank you for the world around me. Please help me to live according to the Spirit. Help me to love you. help me to grow in faith. Help me to follow what you desire. I love you Jesus.


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