Day 31

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'No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate.

But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah;

for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married.'

Isaiah 62:4

You may just think that this is a random bit of the bible - and yeah, it kinda is - but there's something really special about those last words: 'For the Lord will take delight in you'. Hephzibah means 'my delight is in her', and it just goes to show that when you follow God, he delights in you. Yes, that's right. He loves to see you do whatever it is that's normal for you - not in a stalker sense - but more in a father-daughter sense. He loves being a part of your life, and knowing you. He loves everything about you.

I'm not saying you feel the same as I do about this, but I love knowing that God smiles over me through thick and thin. I love knowing that he finds joy in watching me - like he does with you, and your parents, and your friends. Because that's what happens when you find God - he delights in you. Even if you do bad stuff and sin, he delights over you when you say sorry because he is a forgiving God, and he just wants to bring you and him closer together.

You know those times when you think: 'No-one likes me'? Well, next time you think that, remember this. God doesn't just like you. He delights in you. He finds joy in you. He loves you. And he won't ever, ever, ever leave you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for delighting in me. thank you for loving me. I love you too. Thank you for never forsaking me, and sticking with me. Thank you for just being amazing. Please help me to remember this when I feel like everyone in the world is against me.


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