Day 14

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'If we are faithless, he remains faithful-
for he cannot deny himself.'

It's the end of this section of the bible - and the end of these four days spent studying it. But it definitely doesn't make it less important than the others.

What is faith? Comment if you have different ideas, but I think that faith is putting all trust in someone or something, and never doubting what they say or do. So, who are you faithful to? Your family? Your friends? Your boyfriend (who should definitely return that favour, or he's not worthy of you)?

As Christians, we always say that we put our faith in God. But do we mean that? What does it mean to put our faith and our trust in God. Well, I'll tell you. To put your faith in God is like putting your faith in summer. You can't always see it, but you always know that it's there and will come. God will always come. He will always be there, no matter where you are and how much you have sinned. God will always listen and do the best thing for you.

So maybe you're thinking about those times where you've asked God for something but he didn't grant your wish. Maybe a relative passed away, or you asked God for the boy you liked to date you. Well, God only doesn't do these things because they're not in his plan. He has a huge plan for everyone, and if he helped you, it would only result in sadness and misery. God does what he knows is right, and always does what's best for you, like a father.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for always being faithful. Sorry for ever doubting you. I know I have sinned, but please forgive me and help me to always remain faithful and true. I love you.

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