Day 12

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'If we endure, we will also reign with him;'

Hey guys! Welcome to 2 Timothy 2:11-13 - part 2!!!! If you haven't read page 11, basically what's happening is that I'm unpacking this bible verse stage by stage. OK, let's get started (finally)!

Endure is a word that you probably use a lot, but you might want to know the exact definition before we move on. The dictionary definition of endure is 'to suffer patiently.' So, quite simply, this bible verse says: if you suffer the troubles of life patiently, you will live up high with Jesus forever.

How many times do you complain about life? Oh yes - you don't have the latest iPhone, or you desperately want to go to the party that everyone is going to. Or maybe you have a good reason to complain? Maybe you're getting bullied at school, or you're having money issues at home. Whatever the reason, we all think life is unfair at some point. But what this verse is saying is that, if we suffer all this bad stuff in this life without complaining, when we go to heaven, we will actually reign alongside Jesus - for eternity! Pretty good deal, huh?

So what do you need to do? Every day throughout your life, don't think about the bad stuff. Dwell on the positives, be happy and don't complain - that's the recipe for eternity with God!

Dear Lord,
Please help me not to complain throughout my life. Help me to think about the good stuff, and be grateful. Sorry for being grumpy and miserable. Thank you for such a wonderful life.

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