Day 160

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'Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.'

Proverbs 19:21

The book of Proverbs has been one of my favourites ever since I was a little girl (it's a long story). It basically is a collection of wise sayings for Christians. If you ever need wisdom, look to Proverbs, and it will help you. This particular proverb tells us one things, we may have lots and lots of plans for what we want to do with our lives and where we want to go, but the plan God has for us is much, much better and altogether proves more powerful and superior.

I'm not saying the plans you have made for your life aren't great. But if you made those plans without listening to God and thinking about money, or yourself, or anything like that, then it's an unstable plan, one which could fall at any moment. God has a plan for you. It is a wonderful plan, a plan that beyond anything  you could have imagined. God can use you. No matter who you are. You might be thinking, 'I'm not the sort of person God chooses'. But Rahab was a prostitute, Mary was a virgin, Jonah ran from God, Peter denied Christ, Lazarus was dead. So God can use you. Don't say anything else to yourself, because it's not true.

You may be asking, what about all the gifts God has given me? How do they fit into his plan? God made you unique. He gave you those gifts for a reason. Of course they're a huge part of his plan! What God has in store for you is wonderful. It could change the world. His plans are never selfish, or unjust, or hurtful. God's plan for you is right, it is good, it is special and unique. You might not know anything about it yet, and that's fine, just ask God to guide you on every decision you make and on every thing that you do. God will put you on the right path.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you have a plan for me. Thank you that you love me, and that I am special, and honoured. Thank you that you will guide me along the right path. Please help me to look to you in everything that I do.


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