Day 40

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'I am the Lord your God. You must consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.'

Leviticus 11:44

If I said to you right now, 'I am holy,' you'd probably think I was being a bit far-fetched and possible very offensive. When you hear the word 'holy', you automatically think of God, and God-like figures. But in this verse's context, it means basically 'set apart'. So God wants us to be 'set apart' from other people. Why? Because God is different, so we should be different. Here on Earth, our aim is to follow in Jesus' footsteps (not literally, obviously, but that would be quite cool). So we should stand out, because Jesus stood out.

You don't have to start singing worship songs in the local shopping centre to stand out. We live in a world where, unfortunately, kindness, generosity and love to all is seen as a bit weird and strange. People are always saying: 'If you want to be rich and famous, do this, this and this'. But they never say: 'If you want to be truly rich, give, give, and give.' Truly rich is rich in Jesus' love. Surely that is what everyone should want? But no. Everyone is so obsessed with themselves that they don't realise that true wealth is in the knowledge of God. So to stand out, all you have to do is show other people the love of God. That is what God wants you to do.

So stand out. Don't hide. You must be holy because God is holy. God loves you more than anything you could think of. Try and follow in his footsteps, do what he says, and you will find that you will be richer than any other person on earth in his wondrous love.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for being wonderful. Thank you for giving me your word to understand what you have called me to do. Thank you that you are the Lord my God. Please help me to follow in your footsteps and obey you. Please help me to stand out, and bear all the qualities that you look for. Let me do what is right.


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