Day 89

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'"So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long distance away, his father saw him coming, and was filled with loving pity and ran and embraced him and kissed him.'

Luke 15:20

This verse is taken from the parable of the prodigal son, which, if you don't know the story, can be found in Luke 15:11-32. The reason I chose this was because I had a dream, which was more of a nightmare, but something about the last bit stuck out to me. Have you ever had an absolutely awful day and you just wanted to run into your parent's arms, crying? Maybe it's just me. But I felt God wanted me to tell you that he is always there for you. Whenever you feel rubbish, you can run into his arms. He is your father.

This boy from the parable, he had literally had the worst time of his life. He thought he'd rather work for his father than stay where he was. Yet when he came home, his father stood at the gate with his arms out. The boy ran into his arms, and they embraced. That is what we can be like with God. We can go running into his arms, even if we have sinned, even if we have turned away from him. he is always waiting for us. You may have your parents now to hug, but there are times when you will be far away from them. In those times, remember you can talk to God.

I guess what I've been trying to say is, God is always there for you. He will comfort you. He loves you. He is your dad. He will embrace you! And another thing: don't feel afraid to complain or moan about your day to God. He will not send you to Hell or anything if you do, so you don't need to worry. We all have bad days, and God gets that! I mean, look at psalms. Yes, there are good ones, but also there are psalms where David (or whoever wrote them) is just complaining! And God gets that. He doesn't get angry. So when you feel upset, or miserable, or downtrodden, go running to God. he will hold you in his arms for eternity.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are my father. Thank you that you love me. Thank you that I can run into your arms whenever I feel down. Please help me to remember that you are always there. Help me not to deal with stuff on my own.


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