Day 87

45 12 2

'Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, and your purity.'

1 Timothy 4:12

Timothy was young. He was just a boy when he put his faith in Christ. Paul wrote this letter to him so that Timothy could go out into the world and share the true message of Jesus. At this time, Timothy would be about, what, 20 years old? He was young - very young compared to many other people of faith written about in the bible. That message above was for Timothy. But it's also for us.

Who gets that feeling, when everyone talks about being an example of faith and going out and sharing Jesus' word, yeah, that sounds great, but I'M JUST A KID!! You might be a kid, a teenager or a young adult, but I'm pretty sure we all get that sort of feeling, the one that says: 'I can't do this 'cos I am too young'. Well, let me tell you something. Age does not matter. Does Jesus only call people when they are old? Of course not. He spoke to Samuel, he chose David, he made Mary pregnant all before they were 20 years old! So no, age doesn't matter.

So don't feel unimportant because you are young. Whatever your age, you can be a good example of how to follow Christ. Don't let anyone think you can't do anything because you are young. Be an example to everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike, and share the wonderful love that God has given you. Don't be afraid. I sometimes make up the excuse, 'I don't need to do that because I am young'. That excuse is stupid. A 3-year-old could change the world if it was in God's plan. Don't you see? God has a plan for us, a plan for us at the age we are now. No-one is too young to be a child of God. Jesus said, 'let the little children come to me'. Come to Jesus. Help others to come to Jesus. Be an inspiration, a reflection of all God has given you. Be the person God made you to be.


Dear Lord,

Thank you, Lord, for making me. Thank you for letting me come to you. Thank you for having a plan for me. Please help me to be an example to all believers. Help me to follow your plan, even though I am young. Please tell me what to do. Help me to become the person you made me to be.


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