Day 45

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'When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."'

Mark 2:5

Isn't that amazing? Jesus just said "your sins are forgiven", and they were! God has given Jesus the power to forgive sins. And as this verse tells you, if you have faith, Jesus will forgive your sins! There's no complicated method to it, just believe in God, and be forgiven for everything you have done wrong in your entire life. Then you can present yourself to the Lord in heaven and be pure, and pass through into the wonders that God's kingdom brings.

You see, that is why God sent Jesus. So that he can make us pure in front of God, and be allowed into heaven. That's why we can live freely, knowing that as long as we believe in Him, we will go to heaven. You don't need to worry about it, just trust God and the bible. Know forever that you have God on your side. He is faithful and always will be, because you are his daughter and he loves you. Have faith. It's not like putting your faith in a new phone, or that you will get good marks in the next exam you do. This is real faith, the faith that saves you, and gives you life.

God honestly wanted to share his kingdom with everyone. But people broke away from Him, and made up lies that weren't true. If only those people, your friends, family, classmates, people you see walking about in town believed in him, then they would all go to heaven. You want that, don't you? Surely you want the Kingdom of God to be filled with so many more people? Then share the good news. Spread his word. I can't count how many times I have already said this in previous days, but I still repeat it. Tell people! Help them have faith, so that all their sins will be forgiven!


Dear Lord,

Thank you for delivering me. Thank you for forgiving all my sins, as long as I have faith. Please help me to always believe. When I feel down, help me to remember that you are always with me. Thank you for heaven. I can't wait to join you in your Kingdom. Please help me to share the Good News. Please allow others to see how wonderful you are.


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