Day 50

62 11 3

'You have been deceived by your own pride because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains.

'Who can ever reach us way up here?' you ask boastfully.

But even if you soar as high as eagles and build your nest among the stars,

I will bring you crashing down,"

says the Lord.'

Obadiah 1:3-4

Here's the truth. No-one can possibly beat God. No-one can be better than our Father. He knows the most, sees the most and can do the most. No-one can hide from God. That has been established from the very beginning of the beginning. No other 'God' could ever be more powerful than Him. I mean, God put the stars in the sky, for goodness sake! He made you! If that's not awesome enough, I don't know what is.

Don't ever think that you could beat God in something. It's stupid. But most of all, why would you want to? God is all-powerful. He will do amazing things for you in your life - don't think you can do them alone. And most of all, he is a forgiving God. Even if you've done something awfully horrific, you can turn back to him and he will forgive you (of course I don't recommend doing something that bad). Don't think you'll have to hide from him. Run into his arms instead. He loves you, and he always will. He is your father, Abba, dad, daddy, papa... you get the picture.

This is why Christianity is different from all other religions. Our God is real. He is true. He is powerful, and he will bring all his oppressors crashing down. Even the Devil could never beat Him. No-one can. The people in the verse were deceived by their own pride. They believed that they had more strength than God. They were stupid. No-one could ever have more strength than God. He is always there, even when you think he can't see you. You're friends may ask you what's so special about your God. Tell them everything he's done for you, all the miracles he's performed. Tell them how powerful and mighty he is. In your words, they might hear a glimpse of the King. And just that glimpse could change lives.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for being unbeatable, all-powerful, mightier than anybody else. Thank you that you that you are my God. Please help me to never think I can hide from you. Help me to be able to run into your arms. Help my friends to realise how true and real you are.


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