Day 43

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'Pharisees asked Jesus when God's kingdom was coming. He replied, "God's kingdom isn't coming with signs that are easily noticed. Nor will people say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' Don't you see? God's kingdom is already among you."'

Luke 17:20-21

That is pretty amazing, don't you think? The kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God lives in us and with us. We are always with God. Jesus is telling us that the kingdom of God is with us now. We don't need to worry, for our saviour is always with us.

There are a lot of boring theological ideas that I could go into, but I won't. Some people say that the kingdom of God can't be here, because it's heaven, and you go to heaven when you die. I believe that the kingdom of God is wherever God lives in someone's heart. In other words, it's among everyone who believes in Him. So the kingdom of God is with us if we believe in Jesus.

Obviously you don't have an entire kingdom inside you. But you have God. That is what the bible verse is saying. Not that there's a kingdom built among you that you can't see, but that God is among you. God always will be among you. you will never need to worry, or have any fear, because you know that God is going to take you along the right road, and he will make sure that you pick yourself up after a stumble.

Jesus is coming. When he comes, the whole world will bow at his feet. Prepare him room. Get ready for when the Lord comes. Bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Share the good news. Be generous, kind, the wonderful person you are inside. Follow Jesus.


Dear Lord,

Thank you hat your kingdom is always with me. Thank you that you are with me. Thank you for being wonderful. Please help me to remember that you will always be with me. Help me to prepare your way. You are my Lord, my King, my Saviour. I worship you.


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