Day 100

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'What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.'

Romans 8:31-34

Wow. Day 100. Before I start, I just wanna say thank you to everyone who reads this, for helping me to stay confident and helping me also to develop in faith. Thank you guys!

So, anyway, a look at the passage above. I'm gonna sort of work backwards - what I mean is I will talk about the second half first and then the first half. In the second half, it basically tells us that no man condemns and justifies. Only God and his Son can condemn and have mercy. No-one can say we aren't good enough as Christians. No-one can tell us that we don't follow God properly, because it is God who decides these things. It is He who has mercy on us. But the wonderful news is, as long as we have the tiniest bit of faith in Jesus, we will be able to enter His kingdom!

But if only God and Jesus can condemn and justify, that also means somethings else. It means that we cannot say that someone is gonna go to Hell, because only God can see inside their heart. If you have ever told someone that they are going to Hell, or something like that, don't panic, for God forgives. And as Christians, we shouldn't judge other Christians by how strong their faith is. Everyone has faults. Think about it. Have you ever seen someone and thought, 'They're not being a good Christian right now,'? There are probably times when you haven't been a good Christian. Just because of one thing someone does, it doesn't mean they deserve to be judged. Even if they do it repeatedly, God still loves them. I know I've judged people like that before, and now I kinda feel bad about it.

OK, now we will look at the first part. I have a habit of saving best until last, so I'm doing the best part at the end. And what the first part of the passage says is: if God is with us, no-one can be against us! Think about it - we have an all-powerful King on our side! We cannot be stopped! No-one can hurt us, because we have the mightiest protector protecting us, the most wonderful provider providing for us, and the gentlest, kindest, greatest Father loving us. Isn't that amazing! Nothing can come between us and God! Nothing can come against us! We are loved, loved by an awesome, majestic King! Don't worry about anything, because God will help you. He is so powerful that he defeated Death! We don't have to fear! There is nothing to fear!


Dear Lord,

Thank you for being full of mercy. Thank you for your kingdom. Thank you that you are all-powerful. Thank you that nothing can com against us! Nothing can stop us! I am so sorry for any times when I have judged others. Please forgive me. Help me not to judge others, but to know that only You can condemn and justify. Thank you Jesus! I love you!


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