Day 173

37 9 3

'"Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'children of the living God.''

Hosea 1:10

God is not dead. We are the children of the living God. God the Father has always been. He never will cease to be. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He lives for eternity, never aging, never sleeping, always watching over you. God will never leave you. he will never be defeated. We are on the side of the invincible, the all-powerful creator of all the universe, and he loves us, even though we have messed up again and again and again.

God the Son has always been - yet he took on human form and came to Earth. To do what? To die. For you, for me, for everyone. But God the Son is not dead. He defeated death, he defeated sin. He rose. He came back, but not for very long, because something else was coming that would change Christianity forever. And that was God the Spirit, which has also always been. And God the Spirit lives, not with us, but in us. The Spirit lives in us. The Spirit is living now, like the Father, like the Son. We are temples of God's spirit. We can do anything, for we believe that God is not dead.

People say that God is dead. That Jesus died on the cross. That no-one can live forever. But God lives in us. He lives in us and he will always, always, always love us. He is the impossible, the wonderful, the fantastic God. We are the children of the living God.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you love me more than I could ever imagine. Thank you that you are not dead. Thank you that I am a child of the living God. Thank you that you live in me. Pleas help me to always know that you are not dead, and you live forever.


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