Day 21

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'Only be strong and very courageous,'
Joshua 1:7

Be strong. Be courageous. This is what God is calling you to do, girls! Be brave! Don't let little things get in the way! Be filled with the confidence of the Lord your God, and be free!

You don't need to go doing marathons for charity, or save a person's life to be courageous. All you need to do is live for God, and let your light shine! Show people that you are different. Show them that you have God's love in your life, through what you do and say. Speak out! When you see something that's wrong, don't just stand there! Do something!

So how can you do this? Well, here's two words. Holy Spirit. This will guide you through everything that you do. Don't worry about what will happen, for God is always with you. Let the Holy Spirit fill your life and don't let anything get in the way of it. Because, for once, actually you can do something. You can let the love of God be known through everything you do!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit. Please help it to fill my life, and let it come to me, Lord Jesus. Let it come. Please give me the courage to share the good news, and let people know that you are God. Please help them to feel your love.

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