Day 10

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'He delivers and rescues;
he works signs and wonders
in heaven and on earth,
he who has saved Daniel
from the power of the lions.'
Daniel 6:27

Yes. This is the Lord our God. He delivers us from all the bad things in life. He rescues us from our oppressors. He works wonders universally. He saved Daniel from the lions for goodness sake! (If you haven't read this story, Google it. It's amazing!) I mean, who other than God can save people from the jaws of death?

A few days ago, I read of this incredible miracle that God performed in a family's life. If you want the full details, go to , but basically happens is that a group of burglars turned up at a Christian household, and began to search the house. The 5 kids, who were tied up on the floor, prayed to God. As soon as they prayed, the robbers abruptly stopped and left. Apparently the five-year-old son heard Jesus telling him not to worry! Pretty cool, isn't it?

What I think stands out to me about this story is the fact that the youngest son heard Jesus. When you are younger, you are more innocent and have less on your mind. But when we get older, we start to doubt God and don't hear him, because we know more of other things and think we can handle life. In God's presence, we should all be innocent like a child. We need to be children of God, because that's who we are anyways, and run into our Daddy's arms and stay there.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for being so amazing. Thank you for working miracles, both the unusual and the everyday. There and you for protecting me. I adore you. Please help me to become childlike in your presence. Help me to feel free in the endless boundaries of your love. I want to run into your arms, Daddy. I want you.

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