Day 148

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'Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."'

John 14:6

So I'm not sure whether I've done this before, but I feel very strongly God telling me I should, so I am going to. And I'm gonna start with the way. Jesus is the way to heaven. He is the way to having a relationship with God. Jesus is the only way. There is only one path that leads to your heavenly father's house, and that is the path labelled 'Jesus'. Whatever people might think, without Jesus you can never come to God. Isn't it wonderful that God gave us Jesus then? Isn't it wonderful that Jesus died so that we can go running to our father again?

Jesus said he is the truth. Jesus is the living God. He is the truth that God is real, and more importantly, he loves us more than we could ever possibly love anything else. He holds us close because he is our father. Jesus is the truth that because he died all our sins our forgiven and we can have an eternal relationship with God. Eternal. Forever. Nothing can come in our way because Jesus is the truth, and he has taken all our sins and died for them.

And finally, Jesus said that he is the life. A lot of people think that Christianity is about following rules, doing this or that, heaven or hell, whatever. But it's not. Jesus is the life because if we follow Jesus, we can live life to its fullest. we can have the most wonderful life here on Earth - and in eternity - because we have a heavenly father who is always with us! This life with God is uncomparable to any other because it is full of love, for God is love, full of joy, because God is wonderful, full of hope, because God is powerful, full of peace because God fights all our battles for us - I could go on forever. a life with God is amazing.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you gave your son to die for us. Thank you that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Help me not to follow any other path. Help me not to believe any other truth. Help me not to live any other life, but the one with you, because you are my Father and you love me.


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