Day 20

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'For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.'
James 2:26

So I guess if you're still reading this devotional, then you believe in God (correct me if I'm wrong). But now what? OK, so you believe. But that's only the beginning. To be Christian, you need to do Christian (that sentence is probably the weirdest thing I have said in my life!)

You can't just be like, 'Oh, yeah, I believe in God and that's all there is to it.' You need to go out, people! Don't hide! Show everyone that this is who you are! Do things that stand out! Help out at church! Donate to charity! Tell people about God! There's a list that would take up a million pages of things that you could do! So do it! Don't be the quiet girl at the back of the class! Show people that you have God in your life, and it's great!

On the other hand, you can't have works without faith. There are some Christians that do loads of things, but don't have faith. They do all these things to make themselves look good to God, but they just don't believe in their heart that he's real. Well, God doesn't just look at what you do. He looks at the inside too. It's a bit like a two-part exam. One is on what you do, the other on what your faith is like. But as long as you put your faith in God, you will go to heaven. If you have any problems with faith, cos I know it's hard, privately message me. I'm all ears!

Dear Lord,
Please help me to be able to go out and do things in your name. Please help me to do works that you would want me to do. Also, please help my faith to stay strong. Please help me to always believe in you, and know that you are real always.

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