Day 93

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'"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"'

1 Corinthians 15:55

This verse, every time I read it, it makes me feel so full of God's love. But before I go into the stuff that it tells us, I want to say 1 thing. Death hurts. When someone dies, it hurts everyone around them. It hurts the people who love them. My gran just dies recently, and yeah, it hurts. But my gran would also want me to say this. Death is a celebration. It's a celebration of the one who has passed, and it's a celebration of their future, their eternal life up in heaven. For death is just like a next step on an adventure, the step that means you get to be with God.

Don't fear death. I used to. I used to freak out over the whole idea that I wouldn't always be, well, a person. Death for Christians should not be scary. Death has no power over us. Death doesn't have a victory. We die on Earth, but our souls live on for eternity - which is a very, very, very, very, very long time. Thanks to God, who has saved us. Jesus died so that each and every one of us can be forgiven. That is amazing. That is the gospel. That is the good news. We are saved. Death has lost its sting! It cannot hurt us! We are free!

And you know, when Jesus dies on that cross, he was thinking of you. He was thinking of me. He was thinking of your best friend. He was thinking of your next door neighbour. Jesus died because he loves us. And he rose so that he will always be with us. He wants no-one to fear death, but to know that death is just a journey. The people who don't know God, they don't know how powerful that verse is. Death has no victory. It has not won. God has overcome the grave. Death has no sting. Death cannot hurt us. We have been saved by the most holy, the most loving, the most wonderful person in the entire universe. Our daddy.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you have overcome the grave. Thank you that you have saved us. Thank you that death cannot hurt us. Thank you that your son died so that all our sins may be forgiven. Thank you for the gospel. Please help me not to fear death.


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