Day 158

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'Let all that you do be done in love.'

1 Corinthians 16:14 

The word 'love' appears 310 times in the King James Bible. As altogether it has 783,137 words, the word 'love' takes up 0.0395843894% of the whole book, or 0.04 for short. Although that looks like a tiny percentage, it really is huge, for there are 26,441 different words in the bible, and for only one of them to have a 1/25,000 chance of appearing out of every single word in the bible is amazing. If you didn't get that, don't worry, I didn't either. :-) By the way my maths could be wrong, so don't use these statistics for something really important. Phew, that was a lot of hard work!

So anyway, I think what you can gather here is that love plays a major part in the bible and in Christianity. In fact, as 1 John 4:8 says, 'Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.' God is love. Isn't that crazy? So the definition of love is God, or if you prefer the actual Google definition, love is a strong feeling of affection. Affection doesn't have to be romantic, or anything like that. It can be just love, I don't really know how to describe it, a beautiful, clear, wonderful ocean of joy, peace and hope all combined.

When you love someone, you don't do nasty things to them, or tease them, or hurt them. So when the verse at the top of the page says to do all things in love, it really does mean to show love to everyone. God loves everyone. He loves the man who works in the corner shop. He loves your friends. He loves the family in the car next to you on the road. But this world doesn't think of love, like God meant it to, but of themselves, of money, of things. So if we do something in love, people will think it's weird. But weird is often good. And if we change the way we do things to the way Jesus would do things, people will take a notice, and they will realise that there is something that is worth so, so much more than possessions or money. So when you go out today , try to do things in love instead of thinking about yourself, which by saying I am not being critical of you, I am just saying the norm for this day and age. So give it a go. Let all that you do be done in love.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are love. Thank you that you love me. I love you Lord, I love you, I love you, I love you. Please help me to love everyone like you do. Help me to do everything in love. Not like other people, who think of themselves, but like Jesus. Help me to change the way people see things.


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