Day 24

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'Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.'
James 5:14-15

Prayer is amazing. There are so many things you can do with it - praise the Lord, ask God for stuff, say sorry and just have a little chat with Christ! But possibly one of the best things that prayer can do is to heal. If you pray with faith, like it says in the bible verse, you will be healed, or the person you are praying for will be. Healing comes from prayer.

And guess what? It works! There are soooooooooo many stories I could tell you where prayer has healed me and other people I know. Just this morning, my brother had such pain in his appendix area that he may have had to get it taken out. But when we prayed as a family, the pain went! Pretty amazing!

So do you know anyone who needs healing? Ask them if you can pray for them. Even if they're not Christian, you can ask them. At school, with your friends, at home you can pray for healing. I end up doing it all the time in those sport lessons where everyone gets injured! It's not hard. Even if it doesn't work first try, keep praying. Never doubt God's ability to answer your prayers.

Please comment on this page and say if there's anyone you know that needs healing. If everyone who looks at it prays for that person, who knows? So please comment and pray.

Dear Lord,
I know you are a great healer. Please heal .............................. and let them be forgiven. Also, please give me the courage to pray for healing with people who maybe don't have you in their life.

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