Day 149

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'I can do all things through him who strengthens me.'
Philippians 4:13

It's a short verse today, but there is lots I want to say. Is there anything you really want to do? Maybe it's something to do with God, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe you really want to publish a book, or act, or bring someone to God. Even if it's the smaller things, like doing well in an exam, or getting along with someone you haven't been able to before.

Some of these things may be impossible. I know I thought getting at least 2 readers on these devotionals would be impossible. But God is amazing. He works in ways we don't even know about. And God has the power to strengthen you and to help you do the things you thought would be impossible. If you ask him, he can help you. Even if it's something not really to do with God, like winning a triathlon or whatever, God will help you. Because you know what? You can do anything in the whole world if you have God behind you.

God can give you strength, he can give you hope, he can give you the ability to make a change. There are probably loads of things in your life which you want to happen. For example, I really want one of my friends to become Christian. And if I pray, I know that I won't give up, because God is with me, he strengthens me and I can do anything, even if it's something I thought was impossible. If you have anything you want to do, or to happen, say it in the comment section below, because I will pray, and so can anyone else.

Dear Lord,
Thank you that through you, I can do anything. Thank you that you are almighty and you can do the impossible. Please give me the opportunity to do what I want to do, and help things to happen.

God and youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang