Day 16

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Today is going to be a bit different to all the other days in this devotional. I want to devote this day to prayer - but not just any prayer. I want everyone that reads this to pray for the current refugee crisis that is affecting billions of people.

Even if you live in a country that is not really involved in this, you can still pray, for the more people that pray the better. Right now, millions of people are being forced to leave their homes out of fear and desperation. They flee to countries such as England and France, and after all that they are denied entry.

I want to pray that the government of countries that do not allow many refugees in will be changed in their hearts, and realize that everyone is human, no matter where they come from. I also want to pray that the refugees are safe and protected, and that they escape without harm. Finally, I want to pray that conflict in countries such as Syria will draw to a close, and that people inflicting pain onto others will realize that they are not helping anyone, and are creating devastation worldwide.

If everyone can just take some time to pray, I believe that we can change things.


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