Day 46

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Friendship as a Christian can be very stressful. You might have loads of Christian friends and all love God together, or you might not have any. it can be very tough, hanging out with people who don't share your faith. Some people will be total anti-Christian, and you will struggle to get along with them sometimes. Some of your Atheist friends might be better friends than your Christian ones. Here's my top 5 tips for friendship as a Christian.

1. Put God first in all your friendships. If you feel like a friend is dragging you away from Him, then maybe you should reconsider the friendship. Make sure that every friend you have is OK with God.

2. Tell all your friends that you are Christian. If they can't accept you for who you are, then they're not worth your trouble. Plus, if you tell them that you are Christian, then you can invite them to Christian stuff, like church gatherings and youth groups.

3. Have friends of different beliefs! How else are you supposed to share God's word if all your friends believe it anyway? You can show your Atheist/ Muslim/ Jewish /Hindu / Buddhist/ other friends your way of life, and how wonderful living with Jesus is!

4. Always remember that friends who are mean and say horrid stuff don't deserve you. You are a beautiful, brave, wonderful daughter of the King, and no-one should tell you otherwise. Even if your friend is Christian, drop them. In time, you will find other, much better, Christian friends who will love you for who you are.

5. Be a good friend, as well as have good friends. Share God's love and kindness, and make sure that you treat your friends as well (or better than) you would want to be treated. Give your friends advice if they are in awkward situations, and let them know that the Spirit is in you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for blessing me with lots of wonderful friends. Thank you for giving me the courage to make new friends. Please help me to follow these steps in order to have good, God-serving friendships. Please help me to remember that I should always be a good friend, and share your word with those around me.


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