There was a pit in the back of the room I don’t know why or how it was there but it was there like a black hole in the middle of this small little world. Then there was Evian. Lying in his own blood on the floor. None of the other Ian’s went to help him but I did. I rushed over to him and kneel in front of him.

            “Evian.” I yelled his name grabbing him and holding him in my arms.

            “Nian.” He said his eyes rolling over to me. “Ha bet you didn’t think I would release it all.” He tried to get out.

            “Shut up you idiot.”

            “Nian.” He yelled as he grabbed my shirt. The look in his eyes was pitiful. I’ve never seen Evian so pale before. I never saw him so opened and weak. “Nian if I’m Evil-Ian does that mean I go to hell.” He asked me and it was so unlike Evian to worry over things like heaven and hell.

            “I don’t know.” I didn’t want to lie to him. I didn’t want my last words to him to be a lie.

            “It’s kind of funny you know.” He said and licked his lips. “All my life I’ve felt pain. Now I’m empty inside.”

            “Evian don’t.” I whispered and he gave a weak smile.

            “If Ian is dead…if I see him in hell…I will…I will…tell him you said hello.” He got out then let out a breath and went still in my arms. I’ve saw Ian’s die before. I’ve been the cause of their death before. But I never held one in my arms. I never heard his last words. I never felt is last breath. I choked down a sob that threaten to burst from my throat. I wasn’t sad. No this was not sadness I was feeling right now. It was rage. It was an all powering all-consuming rage and it was aimed at Krad and his fucking puppets. I took my machete out and aimed it at Krad. Loki took his stance again tightening his hold on his knife as he stood in front of Hades and Krad drew out the sword he likes to play with.

            “King didn’t Kill Evian. Evian was dying when King came.” Krad answered.

            “Save your words for someone who believes them.” I hissed at him.

            “Do you think King’s a fool? He holds the pain. Only an idiot would kill him. King might have hated Evian but King isn’t an idiot. King doesn’t like pain.” My eyes shifted to Loki and Hades then.

            “We didn’t touch him.” Loki said and I could hear the pain in his voice.

            “Then who did. Evian is dead and I must say he didn’t kill himself.”

            “Shiki killed him. Killed him Shiki.” Hades answered.

            “Who the fuck is Shiki?!” I yelled and looked at Krad again.

            “Why should King tell you?” he said and I rushed across the room at Krad swing my machete but he brought his sword up in time so that we were in a dead lock. My blade bared down on his until kicked at me causing me to jump back.

            “If you want blood King will play.”

            “Evian is dead!” Dian voice sounded and we all turned to look at him. He stood in the doorway with Ducky beside him and I frowned at the both of them. Those two should be locked in there safe rooms riding out this storm not in the eye of it. “I’m so sick of this shit! Every Ian only ever cares about himself. There is another one out there. He killed Evian. Who knows what one of us will be next? Left side, right side Evian belonged to no side and he died. What the fuck do you think he will do to the rest of us?”

            “Dian is right. I’m scared.” Ducky said holding Dian’s hand.

            “This war was pointless to begin with but an enemy of my enemy is friend. Now isn’t the time to fight each other. We need to kill Shiki before anyone else dies.” Dian spoke again.

            “King refuse.” He said and I growled threateningly as I looked at him. “King doesn’t care what the rest of you do. But King refuses to join in. Have fun Vigil.” He said walking away.

            “Krad don’t you dare turn your back on me.” I yelled.

            “No Vigil. Don’t ever turn your back on King.” He said and walked out.

            “I’m not helping either.” Loki said putting away his weapon and helping Hades to his feet. “King doesn’t care what we do that’s good we swear our loyalties to no one now. Hades and I are out.”

            “Be smart Loki.” Dian said.

            “I am smart Jude.” He hissed out Dian’s true name turning his mask around. “You’re right there is an Ian out there killing shit. So I’m about to get real smart and cut ties with you losers.” With that he and Hades walked away leaving this room and going who knows where.

            “Umm Ducky isn’t in either. Sounds scary and un-fun so no thanks.” Ducky said and released Jude’s hand as he skipped away.

            “I’m taking control of the body. You need rest though.” I told Dian and he nodded as we turned away from each other going our own way as well.

            My eyes opened and I saw a very worried Mischa looking down at me. I reached up and ran my fingers through her hair. She grabbed my hand and held it to her face. I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes and it would take now in front of her that the wall would break and I would cry. Evian and I had lots of bad blood but before six years ago he was like a brother to me. I knew that True-Ian had given him the hardest task of us all. I knew that after doing so Ian abandoned him. Without so much as a goodbye he abandoned Evian even before the rest of us.

            I felt a hole in my heart in my body in my soul maybe in the core of Ian’s soul. With each Ian that died or left the hole got bigger. Soon it was going to swallow us whole. Soon there wasn’t going to be any of us left. I don’t know what hurts more. The pain that is now free since Evian is gone or the loss of Evian himself.

            “Nian…” Mischa whispered my name and I sat up and rubbed my eyes wiping them clear. For her I smiled. I don’t know where I found the strength to smile but for Mischa I would find it. For Mischa I would smile through my pain. “What do you want for you birthday?” she asked me. I thought about saying that all I wanted was her but at the moment I didn’t have the energy. I licked my lips and grabbed her chin so that I knew that she was looking at me.

            “There are only two things I want from you at this moment.” I said and she looked at me waiting for me to tell her. “I want to stay here with you. Can I please?”

            “You don’t even have to ask that you know. Of course you can stay here I want you to stay.”  Mischa said and that made me feel a bit better but nothing was going to heal me. Nothing was going to close the hole that was inside of me. That was inside of Ian. “What else do you want?” she asked.

            “Call me Vigil.” I said and she frowned at the name. “It’s my true name.”  I said.

            “I thought Ian was the true name.”

            “Ian is the body’s name. I was named Vigil. Night-Ian or Nian is what I am it’s not who I am. So call me Vigil. If only you ever say that name I would be happy.”

            “Vigil.” She said and I nodded. “I like that name.” I smiled this time a real smile before I kissed her.

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